Science Highlights

Some recent GEOTRACES science findings are reported below.

Warning on Polonium-210/Lead-210 data quality!

Alerted by the fact that the published Polonium-210:Lead-210 profiles showed ubiquitous disequilibrium in the deep ocean, Mark Baskaran and colleague conducted a critical review…


Substantial trace metal input from the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption into the South Pacific Ocean

Zhang and co-workers investigate the impact of the 2022 eruption on the biogeochemistry of the South Pacific Gyre.


Lead isotopes, reversible scavenging and ventilation processes in the South Atlantic Ocean

Olivelli and co-authors present seawater lead concentrations and lead isotopes for 10 depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Iron limitation also affects the twilight zone

Li and co-workers established the distribution and uptake of siderophores along the Pacific meridional section (GP15 GEOTRACES cruise)…


Long distance dissolved iron transport in the North-East Pacific revealed by multiple tracers and an ocean circulation model

Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…


Two papers describe findings on Rare Earth Elements in the North Atlantic Ocean (GEOVIDE cruise)

Lagarde and co-authors investigated the Rare Earth Element cycle along the GA01 transect…


Deep-sea mining, dewatering waste, accidental plumes and their potential consequences on trace metal fates in the North Pacific Ocean

Xiang and his colleagues conducted laboratory incubation experiments that simulate mining discharge into anoxic waters…


Biogeochemical behaviours of barium and radium-226 in the Pacific Ocean

Barium and radium-226 are not just proxies for nutrients and ocean circulation but are themselves marine biogeochemical tracers…


Intrigued by Rare Earth Elements and neodymium isotopes? A review for the curious

Vanessa Hatje and a group of Rare Earth Element (REE) specialists propose an exhaustive review on the behaviour of REE.

