Warning on Polonium-210/Lead-210 data quality!
Alerted by the fact that the published Polonium-210:Lead-210 profiles showed ubiquitous disequilibrium in the deep ocean, Mark Baskaran and colleague conducted a critical review…
Some recent GEOTRACES science findings are reported below.
Alerted by the fact that the published Polonium-210:Lead-210 profiles showed ubiquitous disequilibrium in the deep ocean, Mark Baskaran and colleague conducted a critical review…
Zhang and co-workers investigate the impact of the 2022 eruption on the biogeochemistry of the South Pacific Gyre.
Olivelli and co-authors present seawater lead concentrations and lead isotopes for 10 depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Li and co-workers established the distribution and uptake of siderophores along the Pacific meridional section (GP15 GEOTRACES cruise)…
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Lagarde and co-authors investigated the Rare Earth Element cycle along the GA01 transect…
Xiang and his colleagues conducted laboratory incubation experiments that simulate mining discharge into anoxic waters…
Barium and radium-226 are not just proxies for nutrients and ocean circulation but are themselves marine biogeochemical tracers…
Vanessa Hatje and a group of Rare Earth Element (REE) specialists propose an exhaustive review on the behaviour of REE.