GEOTRACES Presentations and Lectures

This section shows a selection of GEOTRACES lectures and presentations that investigators can download and use to present the GEOTRACES programme. Other documents are also available upon request to the GEOTRACES IPO.
Please contact the IPO if you wish the original PowerPoint files of these presentations and please inform the IPO of the GEOTRACES presentations you made to other programmes, international conferences or institutions.

GEOTRACES Programme Presentation (Data Management oriented) for Decade Coordination Office for Ocean Data Sharing (January 2024)

Download this document as ppt file. 

GEOTRACES Programme Presentation (January 2024)

Download this document as ppt file. 

GEOTRACES Programme Presentation (November 2021)

Download this document as ppt or pdf file. 


Click on the link below to download the GEOTRACES DOoR user guide: GEOTRACES_DOoR version 2_User_Guide

Compilation of GEOTRACES Science Highlights

To download the compilation of GEOTRACES Science Highlights as either a PowerPoint or pdf file please click on the following links. GEOTRACES Science Highlights ppt GEOTRACES Science Highlights pdf

US GEOTRACES inception, strategy and outcomes (2019, by Mariko Hatta)

Please click here to download Mariko Hatta’s talk “US GEOTRACES inception, strategy and outcomes” (2019).

GEOTRACES – GEOSECS, what do they have in common? (2019, by Bob Anderson)

Please click here to download Bob Anderson’s talk “GEOTRACES: An international study of the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes –  Inspired by GEOSECS… what do they have in […]

Lectures on Radioactivity in the Marine Environment

The SCOR Working Group 146: Radioactivity in the Ocean, 5 decades later (RiO5) has published four lectures on marine radiochemistry in Limnology and Oceanography e‐Lectures. These lectures are freely available […]

Presentations from the Joint GEOTRACES/PAGES Workshop

The slides from keynote talks from the Joint GEOTRACES-PAGES Synthesis Workshop (3-5 December 2018, Aix-Marseille, France) are available to download in pdf format: Introduction  – Bob Anderson (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, […]
