GEOTRACES does not directly distribute funding, but relies on generous support from a wide range of funding agencies and other sources.
The International GEOTRACES Programme thanks the following organisations:
- For sponsorship of International GEOTRACES committees and meetings:
- For sponsorship of the GEOTRACES International Project Office
- US-National Science Foundation (US-NSF)
- Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Observatoire Midi-Pyrenées (OMP)
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Kiel Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean”
- Swedish Museum of Natural History
- The University of Tokyo
- University of British Columbia (UBC)
- The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
- GEOMAR-Helmoltz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
- Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)
- For sponsorship of the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre: