IDP related helpful tools

In this page, we will be listing helpful tools developed by IDP users and that the developers are willing to make them available to other users. If you have questions about the tools, please contact the developer directly.

  • FeMIPeval ocean model assessment tool: It is designed to facilitate the assessment of ocean iron cycle models against GEOTRACES intermediate data product 2017 (IDP2017) via a set of different skill metrics in a systematic manner. This tool was produced in the framework of SCOR WG151 Iron Model Intercomparison Project (FeMIP) by Jonathan Rogerson and Marcello Vichi at the University of Cape Town. It’s available here:
  • SedTrace.jl, a Julia package for generating and running reactive-transport models of marine sediment diagenesis has been developed by Jianghui Du. This tool is available here:
    It automates the generation of Julia code for diagenetic models and provides high-performance computing tools to assist model simulation, only requiring the user to supply information based on a Microsoft Excel input file. SedTrace specializes in modelling trace elements and isotopes and can accommodate a wide range of custom pH and speciation modelling choices.

If you have developed an IDP related tool and you wish for it to be listed on this page, please contact the GEOTRACES IPO (ipoNO SPAM -- FILTER@NO SPAM --
