Many coastal nations currently lack the technical and scientific capability to measure trace elements and isotopes at natural levels in seawater, whereas others have the capability to measure only a limited suite of trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs). It is a goal of GEOTRACES that every nation carrying out ocean research would have the capability to measure TEIs and have access to trace metal-clean sampling systems. A complementary goal is to establish a programme whereby experienced scientists can share their knowledge with scientists from nations that lack the expertise to measure TEIs.
In order to achieve these goals the following activities are available:
•Trace Metal-Clean Sampling Systems technical information: GEOTRACES provides information about design, construction and cost of these systems. Scientists interested in developing one of these systems for their own use are encouraged to contact the GEOTRACES IPO or any member of the SSC who will arrange for contact with an appropriate person.
Resources available:
- Document “Recommendations for nations developing a trace metal-clean sampling system” prepared by Greg Cutter (Old Dominion University, past S&I co-chair).
- Video: Learn how to disassemble and clean Go Flo bottles,
- Sampling and Sample-handling Protocols (GEOTRACES Cookbook)
•GEOTRACES Summer Schools: GEOTRACES organises summer schools aimed at teaching the skills and knowledge necessary for a good understanding of the biogeochemical cycles of trace metals.
•Other training activities: GEOTRACES encourages experienced researchers to train scientists from countries that do not presently have expertise to measure TEIs. The following programme established by SCOR allows experienced scientists to do training in developing countries:
•SCOR Visiting Scholars ( This programme sends ocean scientists to developing countries to teach short courses and to provide more extended on-site education and mentorship. The program is a partnership, with the host institution providing local accommodation and SCOR paying for airfares and other local expenses, as necessary. The participating scientists donate their time. They may be on-site for as little as two weeks to as long as visa requirements allow. Calls for this programme are opened annually, as funding allows, normally during the last quarter of the year. Three SCOR Visiting Scholarships are awarded each year.
•Participation in GEOTRACES Cruises: As part of its training activities, GEOTRACES welcomes scientists from developing countries on board GEOTRACES cruises. This has been possible thanks to the funding made available from SCOR since 2011.
•Workshop participation: GEOTRACES ensures that its Scientific Workshops include participants from developing nations with some capabilities for TEI research. Also, GEOTRACES has provided funding for each of the basins (Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans) and regional planning workshops (Asian and Mediterranean).
For further information about Capacity Building:
• SCOR Capacity Building Activities:
• Looking for a training course? we advice you to visit the Marine Training web page: