Cookbook – Sampling and Sample-handling Protocols

Please click here to download the Sampling and Sample-handling Protocols for GEOTRACES Cruises (Cookbook, version 4.0, 2024).

Changes in Version 4.0 of the cookbook compared to Version 3.0 include:

  • a general update of all sections (except for mercury); and
  • addition of new sections such a section on Submission of data, metadata and intercalibration reports that includes a description of the DOoR portal and protocols for metadata acquisition.

Previous versions of the cookbook:

The previous versions of the cookbook are also available to download: version 1.0 (2010), version 2.0 (2014),  version 3.0 (2017).

Changes in Version 3.0 compared to Version 2.0 included:

  • new sections on Aerosols and BioGEOTRACES were added; and
  • in general, all sections were reviewed and edited as needed.

Changes in Version 2.0 compared to Version 1.0 included:

  • the General Considerations section that outlines steps required for TEI data to be intercalibrated were substantially rewritten;
  • the Hydrography and Ancillary Parameters section (and Appendix 2) were simplified by citing and using the GO-SHIP protocols for most hydrographic measurements;
  • the Radionuclide section had new procedures for artificial radionuclides added that were inadvertently omitted in Version 1; and
  • in general, all sections were reviewed and edited as needed based on experiences with the past 4 years of cruises.
