The GEOTRACES International Data Assembly Centre (GDAC) hosted at the British Oceanographic Data Centre (Liverpool, United Kingdom) is responsible for GEOTRACES data management. All information about data submission is posted on the GDAC web site. To facilitate access to this information the window below shows the information available on the GDAC data submission web page. For more information please visit the GDAC web site or contact
For GEOTRACES principal investigators (PIs) with data to include in IDP, we remind you that you need to (1) submit your data to the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre (GDAC) or to your National data centre for US, Dutch, French and Chinese PIs, and (2) get your data intercalibrated by the Standards and Intercalibration (S&I) Committee.
To help you with these tasks, we have designed a new interface, the GEOTRACES Data for Oceanic Research portal (DOoR, where you register your data sets for intercalibration and potential inclusion in IDP. Once you have registered datasets, you can download data templates from DOoR for their submission to the appropriate data centre. DOoR is also where you must generate and submit intercalibration reports for processing by the S&I committee. PIs can use DOoR at any time to follow the intercalibration approval process, to link publications, associate scientists (students, postdocs, etc.) and to give permission for the release in IDP for each dataset registered. A flow chart describing the steps for data set registration and submission is available here.
IMPORTANT! A major change with IDP2021 was the move away from the formal registration step towards adherence to a fair use agreement to cover appropriate recognition of associated researchers in the subsequent usage of IDP. Please read the Faire Use Agreement here.
You may also view the GEOTRACES Data Policy on the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre website.