Long distance dissolved iron transport in the North-East Pacific revealed by multiple tracers and an ocean circulation model
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Chen and co-authors reveal that the distributions of dissolved tracers at depth in the South Atlantic are predominantly controlled by the mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water and waters of Antarctic origin…
Chan et co-authors provide a comprehensive view of trace metal distribution in the subarctic Pacific Ocean.
Volz and co-authors demonstrate that radioisotopes in the manganese nodules mostly exceed exempt activity levels…
Chen and co-authors propose a detailed study of the spatial and seasonal distributions of dissolved iron, manganese and cobalt in the Northeast Atlantic continental margin.
Analysis of dissolved manganese on samples collected on GEOTRACES cruises allowed Singh and colleagues to establish its basin-wide distribution in the Arabian Sea.
Zheng and co-authors present the full-depth distributions of aluminum, lead, manganese and copper in the western South Pacific.
Liu and her colleagues investigated dissolved trace metals distributions within the Benguela Upwelling System sampled from GEOTRACES GA08 cruise.
Seo and his colleagues show pronounced atmospheric and shelf inputs of trace elements in the Japan Sea.
Nakaguchi and colleagues realized full-depth and section distributions of traces metals collected from the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk.
Extensive trace metal clean sampling during the Dutch GEOTRACES cruise in the Mediterranean Sea allowed Middag and his colleagues to establish the basin scale distribution of these trace metals.
Chen and co-workers analyzed an array of trace metals together with Rare Earth Elements in a salinity gradient in the Jinhae Bay, the largest semi-enclosed bay in South Korea…
One of the main consequences of this work is that manganese should be included in ocean-climate models, more particularly to improve the accuracy of their predictions in this area.
Mellett and Buck present the concentrations of bioactive trace metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, and Pb), Fe-and Cu-binding organic ligands, and electroactive Fe-binding humic substances in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
Authors performed high-spatial resolution analyses of dissolved iron and manganese samples collected at the Mid Atlantic Ridge
The spatial distributions and biogeochemical cycling of dissolved Fe (dFe) and dissolved manganese (dMn) across the Arctic Ocean were established during summer and fall 2015. The Canadian GEOTRACES transect extended […]
Did you know that each of these tracers could follow its own marine story, quite decoupled from the others?
Marco van Hulten and co-workers (2017, see reference below) ran a global ocean model to understand manganese (Mn), a biologically essential element. The model shows that: (i) in the deep […]
The striking extension of the dissolved iron and manganese plumes over more than 4000 km from their hydrothermal sources along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect (EPZT) cruise (GP16) has […]
Manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient for biological growth. In the ocean, manganese distribution is sensitive to several processes: redox conditions, photochemistry, biological activity, abiotic scavenging, and also eolian, hydrothermal […]
Three trace elements distributions (iron, manganese and aluminium) help to constrain the sources of chemical elements in the North Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric, Mediterranean Sea and margin inputs are confirmed while […]
Soluble manganese(III) [Mn(III)] is a phase traditionally considered non important in aqueous redox reactions. However, applying a spectrophotometric method sensitive to Mn oxidation state, Madison and co-authors found that up […]
The African coast appeared to be a major source of dissolved total dissolved cobalt, iron, manganese, and labile cobalt to the South Atlantic basin, with high cobalt concentrations in the […]