Challenging results on iron bioavailability in the Southern Ocean
Fourquez and co-authors conducted dissolved iron uptake experiments with Phaeocystis antarctica…
Fourquez and co-authors conducted dissolved iron uptake experiments with Phaeocystis antarctica…
John and co-authors tackle one of the known paradoxes regarding trace metal cycles in the ocean…
Mellett and Buck present the concentrations of bioactive trace metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, and Pb), Fe-and Cu-binding organic ligands, and electroactive Fe-binding humic substances in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
Lauderdale and co-authors (2020, see reference below) are seriously questioning the paradigm establishing that marine phytoplankton growth is limited by iron on a global scale. Iron availability to marine microbes […]
Joint Science Highlight with US Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB). Iron (Fe) is a key element to life but in seawater it is present at extremely low concentrations. The scarcity […]