Substantial trace metal input from the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption into the South Pacific Ocean
Zhang and co-workers investigate the impact of the 2022 eruption on the biogeochemistry of the South Pacific Gyre.
Zhang and co-workers investigate the impact of the 2022 eruption on the biogeochemistry of the South Pacific Gyre.
Li and co-workers established the distribution and uptake of siderophores along the Pacific meridional section (GP15 GEOTRACES cruise)…
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Zheng and his colleagues propose the first full sections of the simultaneous dissolved distributions of five nutrient-type trace metals in the western South Pacific Ocean.
Traill and co-workers used an extended optimum multiparameter analysis water‐mass mixing model to determine the interplay between physical and biological processes, and sources/sinks driving dissolved iron distributions…
Mahieu and his co-workers present the conditional concentration and binding-strength of iron-binding ligands during the GEOTRACES TONGA cruise.
Gu and colleagues explore the temporal variation of iron over 11 cruises along the Peruvian shelf.
Chan et co-authors provide a comprehensive view of trace metal distribution in the subarctic Pacific Ocean.
Bach and colleagues approach favours to use a range of observational, experimental, and computational data sources.
Fourquez and co-authors conducted dissolved iron uptake experiments with Phaeocystis antarctica…
Chen and co-authors propose a detailed study of the spatial and seasonal distributions of dissolved iron, manganese and cobalt in the Northeast Atlantic continental margin.
Ryan-Keogh and his colleagues used NPQ to fingerprint the photo-physiological response of phytoplankton to their environment.
Gonzalez-Santana and his collaborators demonstrated that the oxidation kinetic of the samples combined with analysis of triplicate subsamples led iron (II) concentrations to decrease with time.
Authors present a comprehensive review of iron and iron isotope sources, internal cycling, and sinks in the ocean.
Understanding the key processes that condition the net input of chemical species to the ocean is an important challenge…
Liu and her colleagues investigated dissolved trace metals distributions within the Benguela Upwelling System sampled from GEOTRACES GA08 cruise.
As part of the TONGA GEOTRACES process study, Tilliette and colleagues identified high dissolved iron concentrations in the west of the Tonga arc.
Huang and co-workers propose the first data-driven surface-to-seafloor dissolved iron climatology.
Seo and his colleagues show pronounced atmospheric and shelf inputs of trace elements in the Japan Sea.
Nakaguchi and colleagues realized full-depth and section distributions of traces metals collected from the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk.
Tagliabue and his co-workers compare the hydrothermal dissolved iron simulated by both models.
Xu and Weber developed a data-assimilation model of the aluminum oceanic cycle.
Venkatesh Chinni and Sunil Kumar Singh propose dissolved iron profiles along two meridional transects realized during spring and fall seasons between the Arabian Sea and the sub-tropical western Indian Ocean…
Earth’s Ice Sheets are known to release significant quantities of lithogenic particles into the ocean every year, but how does this material affect trace metal availability in the ocean?
This study suggests that volcanic emission can represent a significant source of bioavailable iron to open ocean anaemic ecosystems.
Chen and co-workers analyzed an array of trace metals together with Rare Earth Elements in a salinity gradient in the Jinhae Bay, the largest semi-enclosed bay in South Korea…
Horner and co-authors assess whether nine bioactive trace metals and their isotopes can be used as paleo-productivity proxies.
The findings demonstrate that glacial retreat and loss of ice-shelves may potentially result in increases in dissolved iron supply to surface waters downstream of large marine terminating glaciers in future.
Roy-Barman and co-authors established the dissolution rates from Saharan dust reaching Mediterranean seawater.
One of the main consequences of this work is that manganese should be included in ocean-climate models, more particularly to improve the accuracy of their predictions in this area.