When GEOTRACES‐based synthesis efforts improve global iron-cycling understanding
Using historical (1987-2007) and recent GEOTRACES data, authors compiled an impressive data set comprising dissolved, filtered and trap-collected particulate iron
Using historical (1987-2007) and recent GEOTRACES data, authors compiled an impressive data set comprising dissolved, filtered and trap-collected particulate iron
Bourne and co-workers examine the particulate cadmium to phosphorus ratio (Cd/P) variations of 3 particle fractions (<1µm, 1-51µm and >51µm) from 50 casts covering spatial and temporal scales never reached so far […]
Using Radium-228 (228Ra) activity as an indicator of coastal water mass influence and a compilation of Neodymium (Nd) parameters in the first 100 m, Chen and co-authors propose that more stratified […]