First direct measurement of actinium (but also radium and thorium) distribution coefficient values in marine sediments
Actinium-227, radium-226 and radium-228 profiles in sediments were measured and modeled at 5 stations in the Northeast Pacific…
Actinium-227, radium-226 and radium-228 profiles in sediments were measured and modeled at 5 stations in the Northeast Pacific…
Using helium and neon as tracers for subglacial meltwater, Krisch and colleagues found that subglacial discharge is a source of dissolved lead.
Tagliabue and his co-workers compare the hydrothermal dissolved iron simulated by both models.
Authors determined insignificant advective and diffusive thorium-234 fluxes at 25 stations in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone
Based on the thorium-234 (234Th) isotopes and the Particulate Organic Carbon/Thorium (POC/Th) ratios measured in small and large particles collected at 11 stations along the GEOVIDE section (GA01) using in […]
In the framework of Indian GEOTRACES cruise GI02, high-resolution sampling was carried out in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean during April–May 2014. The first 234Th-based carbon export flux […]