Lead isotopes, reversible scavenging and ventilation processes in the South Atlantic Ocean
Olivelli and co-authors present seawater lead concentrations and lead isotopes for 10 depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Olivelli and co-authors present seawater lead concentrations and lead isotopes for 10 depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic Ocean.
This work further contains the role that reversible scavenging may play in the cycling of lead in the ocean, an ever-evolving global experiment where lead contamination can be tracked in real-time.
Sieber and his colleagues lift the veil on some of the mechanisms that control the behavior of zinc in the Pacific Ocean, and more globally.
Sieber and his colleagues established the distribution of dissolved cadmium concentrations and isotopes in a section extending from Alaska to Tahiti.
Lemaitre and her colleagues realized the simultaneous analysis of the dissolved nickel isotopes and concentrations in the North Atlantic.
The study’s results hold promise that the implementation of anti-pollution measures under the Minamata Convention will likely result in a faster decrease of oceanic mercury levels than previously thought.
Dissolved chromium (Cr) in the ocean is present under two oxidation states: The oxidized and soluble Cr (VI) and the reduced more reactive Cr (III). Reduction of Cr (VI) to […]
The insoluble radiogenic isotopes of thorium (Th) are produced at a known rate in the water column via the decay of soluble uranium (234Th, 230Th) and radium (228Th) isotopes. These […]
Three articles from three cruises highlighted here! Atlantic waters have been recently recognized to play an increasing role in reducing sea-ice extent in the Arctic Ocean at a rate now […]
The linear relationship between the seawater cadmium and phosphate dissolved concentrations lead to use the cadmium/calcium (Cd/Ca) imprinted in calcareous archives to reconstruct the past phosphate (PO4) distributions. However, variations […]
Dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopes and concentrations were measured at six stations in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean, targeting the study of the Adelie Land Bottom Water (ALBW), a […]
Thorium-230 (230Th) and protactinium-231 (231Pa) are two geochemical tracers extensively used for investigating particle transport in the ocean and reconstructing past ocean circulation. A key feature in reproducing their distributions by […]
Thanks to samples collected as part of the Japanese GEOTRACES cruise in 2009 – 2010, along section GI04, Takahata and co-workers (2018, see reference below) identified a maximum helium-3 ratios […]
Abrupt climate changes in the past have been attributed to variations in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) strength. Knowing the exact timing and magnitude of the AMOC shift is important […]
Radium-228 increase in the central Arctic (2007 to 2015), is attributed to stronger wave action on shelves due to a longer ice-free season.
Chemical species are constantly exchanged between seawater (solution, D) and particles (solid material, P). This continuous D-P exchange is a key process determining the chemical composition of the ocean. Particles […]
Yang et al. (2018, see reference below) studied the relative importance of physical and biogeochemical processes on controlling the isotopic composition of dissolved and particulate cadmium (Cd) in a GP18 […]
For the first time, labile and total particulate iron (pFe) isotopic signatures were measured along a full depth oceanographic section (more than 200 0.8-51 µm-sized particles) in the Eastern Pacific […]
They show that radium-228 data coupled to the dissolved iron, cobalt and manganese provide evidence that lateral transport of sediments from continental margins.
During the Last Glacial Maximum, the deep southern Pacific waters were stratified, efficiently accumulating old, CO2 rich waters. Basak and co-authors (2018, see reference below) measured neodymium isotopes in sediment […]
Measurements of radium-228 (228Ra) in the framework of the 2015 U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic Transect (GN01), revealed that the surface water content of this tracer has almost doubled over the last […]
In the framework of the GEOTRACES TransGeoBioOc process study (GPpr04), seawater samples were collected at 12 stations (and up to 17 depths per stations) along the SO223T cruise transect from […]
Hsieh and Henderson (2017, see reference below) propose a compilation of the oceanic barium (Ba) concentrations together with its isotopic profiles measured so far. Their review covers the main oceanic […]
Patricia Grasse and co-workers (2017, see reference below) present new dissolved neodymium isotope compositions (εNd) and rare earth element (REE) concentrations from the Panama Basin. REE concentrations peak at the […]
Xie and co-workers (2017, see reference below) report cadmium (Cd) isotopic compositions from five stations and 15 tow-Fish surface waters from 50ºS to the equator along GEOTRACES GA02 Leg 3. […]
Dissolved silicon (Si) is a major oceanic nutrient and variations of its stable isotope values are reflecting the intensity of surface primary production. As for other isotopes, agreement between the […]
Which paleo information are traced by the imprint neodymium isotopic signatures (εNd) in the different archives: paleo circulation or paleo erosion? The scientific debate on this issue is opened for […]
Dissolved thorium (Th) isotopes and iron (Fe) are used to document the transfer of lithogenic material to the ocean. Two contrasting areas are compared: the Atlantic Ocean around Barbados Islands, […]
Assessing the processes leading to dissolved iron (dFe) isotope fractionation in a hydrothermal plume is a key question, because it allows a better characterization of this specific source of dFe […]
Georgi Laukert and co-workers (2017, see reference below) provide new insights into the sources, distribution and mixing of water masses passing the Fram Strait, the gateway between the Arctic Ocean […]