Lead isotopes, reversible scavenging and ventilation processes in the South Atlantic Ocean
Olivelli and co-authors present seawater lead concentrations and lead isotopes for 10 depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Olivelli and co-authors present seawater lead concentrations and lead isotopes for 10 depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Benaltabet and his colleagues present a 2-year time series of several trace metal concentration profiles sampled at a daily resolution.
This work follows the penetration of anthropogenic lead (traced using its isotopic signatures) into the pristine deep Pacific Ocean.
This work further contains the role that reversible scavenging may play in the cycling of lead in the ocean, an ever-evolving global experiment where lead contamination can be tracked in real-time.
Volz and co-authors demonstrate that radioisotopes in the manganese nodules mostly exceed exempt activity levels…
Seo and his colleagues show pronounced atmospheric and shelf inputs of trace elements in the Japan Sea.
Zheng and co-authors observed sectional distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, and copper in the North Pacific Ocean during three GEOTRACES related cruises…
The results evidence that the effect of advection cannot be neglected in areas where a conjunction of significant horizontal dissolved aluminium gradients and significant horizontal currents is found.
Oka and colleagues demonstrate that the global distribution of REE can be reproduced by considering the internal cycle associated with reversible scavenging and external REEs inputs around continental regions.
Pavia and co-workers determined the physical and chemical speciation as well as the vertical distribution of Protactinium-231 and Thorium-230 at 12 stations across the Southern Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current…
Authors demonstrate that the later hypothesis is likely explaining thorium-230-depletion in intermediate layers of the Amundsen basin.
Roshan and collaborators present new observations of dissolved iron and its physical speciation in the South Pacific
The first basin-wide surface scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y) and lanthanum (La) concentration data in a section across the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (2011 GEOTRACES GA03) is reported by Till and […]