Intrigued by Rare Earth Elements and neodymium isotopes? A review for the curious
Vanessa Hatje and a group of Rare Earth Element (REE) specialists propose an exhaustive review on the behaviour of REE.
Vanessa Hatje and a group of Rare Earth Element (REE) specialists propose an exhaustive review on the behaviour of REE.
New research is now shining a light on mercury cycling on the Arctic shelf.
They provide an updated mass balance of the Arctic land and ocean mercury cycle.
The study’s results hold promise that the implementation of anti-pollution measures under the Minamata Convention will likely result in a faster decrease of oceanic mercury levels than previously thought.
Using available observations of dissolved copper, artificial neural networks, and an ocean circulation inverse model, authors calculated a global estimate of the 3-dimensional distribution and cycling of dissolved copper in the ocean.
The spatial distributions and biogeochemical cycling of dissolved Fe (dFe) and dissolved manganese (dMn) across the Arctic Ocean were established during summer and fall 2015. The Canadian GEOTRACES transect extended […]
What explains the hitherto mysterious correlation between zinc (Zn) and silicon, an element not involved in the Zn cycle? Roshan and co-workers (2018, see reference below) used an artificial neural […]
Hsieh and Henderson (2017, see reference below) propose a compilation of the oceanic barium (Ba) concentrations together with its isotopic profiles measured so far. Their review covers the main oceanic […]
Tagliabue and co-workers (2017, see reference below) discuss an extensive review on the recent findings on iron (Fe) cycle in the ocean. They figure out clearly that: Fe is a […]
The strong similarities between zinc (Zn) and silicon (Si) vertical profiles have led many studies to suggest the uptake of Zn in diatom frustules, followed by simultaneous remineralisation at depth. […]
Although this article is not resulting from GEOTRACES activity, its content is definitely GEOTRACES relevant. The authors constructed an up-to-date compilation of the continental silicon (Si) cycle, including the fate […]
A new method developed by Horner and co-workers (2015, see reference below) allows for the determination of dissolved barium (Ba) isotopic compositions in seawater using nanogram quantities of Ba. The […]
Takano and co-workers (2014, see reference below) strongly suggest that the isotopic composition of dissolved copper (δ65Cu) in surface seawater is mainly controlled by supply from rivers, the atmosphere and […]
Thanks to recent measurements during several oceanographic expeditions, among them GEOTRACES cruises, estimates of the total amount and spatial distribution of anthropogenic mercury in the global ocean were substantially improved. […]