Long distance dissolved iron transport in the North-East Pacific revealed by multiple tracers and an ocean circulation model
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Moore and colleagues present results from radium-228 along the U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15).
In this study, radium is used as a tracer for the waters of the Amazon that mix with those of the Atlantic Ocean.
Radium isotopes are used to demonstrate that make the Congo the most significant riverine source of iron to the South Atlantic.
Radium-228 increase in the central Arctic (2007 to 2015), is attributed to stronger wave action on shelves due to a longer ice-free season.
They realised a high-resolution description of the distribution of radium-226 and barium in the Atlantic.
They show that radium-228 data coupled to the dissolved iron, cobalt and manganese provide evidence that lateral transport of sediments from continental margins.
Measurements of radium-228 (228Ra) in the framework of the 2015 U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic Transect (GN01), revealed that the surface water content of this tracer has almost doubled over the last […]
New revelations on the land-ocean flux of chemical elements are presented in two different papers highlighting the value of the ocean isotopic data. Both works reveal that the present quantification […]
The four radium (Ra) isotopes (224Ra, 223Ra, 228Ra, 226Ra, “radium quartet”) are produced in situ via decay of their insoluble thorium isotope parents in sediments from the continental margins and […]
Interaction of the currents with the sediments deposited on the margins of the Crozet Islands (Southern Ocean) contributes to the supply of iron and other micronutrients to marine waters. This […]