When covariance of trace metals and prokaryotic taxa are tagging water masses (Southern Indian Ocean)
Zhang and colleagues investigated the potential reciprocal links between diverse prokaryotic taxa and concentrations of trace elements.
Zhang and colleagues investigated the potential reciprocal links between diverse prokaryotic taxa and concentrations of trace elements.
Zheng and co-authors observed sectional distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, and copper in the North Pacific Ocean during three GEOTRACES related cruises…
The results evidence that the effect of advection cannot be neglected in areas where a conjunction of significant horizontal dissolved aluminium gradients and significant horizontal currents is found.
The high resolution section of particulate “excess Ba” (Baxs) measured by Lemaitre and co-authors (2018, see reference below) along the GEOVIDE GA1 section (R/V Pourquoi Pas? spring 2014) confirmed the […]
Boyd and co-workers (2017, see reference below) explore the abiotic and biotic mechanisms that underpin internal metal cycling. Although they are focusing on iron (Fe) as the best-characterized metal, they […]