Long distance dissolved iron transport in the North-East Pacific revealed by multiple tracers and an ocean circulation model
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Sieber and co-authors have made extensive use of the multi-tracer approach, coupled to an oceanic circulation model…
Vanessa Hatje and a group of Rare Earth Element (REE) specialists propose an exhaustive review on the behaviour of REE.
Liu and colleagues show that rainfall augments some fluxes of trace metals from the Congo River.
Xu and colleagues investigated the isotopic composition of dissolved neodymium and hafnium along the entire salinity gradient of the Amazon estuary.
Chen and co-authors propose a detailed study of the spatial and seasonal distributions of dissolved iron, manganese and cobalt in the Northeast Atlantic continental margin.
Understanding the key processes that condition the net input of chemical species to the ocean is an important challenge…
Venkatesh Chinni and Sunil Kumar Singh propose dissolved iron profiles along two meridional transects realized during spring and fall seasons between the Arabian Sea and the sub-tropical western Indian Ocean…
This study reveals that cliff derived sediment supply is only three times less than the solid discharge of rivers for Europe.
Three GEOTRACES Japanese cruises on board the R/V Hakuho Maru allowed establishing basin-scale and full-depth sectional distributions of total dissolvable iron (tdFe), dissolved iron (dFe), and labile particulate iron (lpFe=tdFe […]
Radium isotopes are used to demonstrate that make the Congo the most significant riverine source of iron to the South Atlantic.
In the frame of GEOTRACES cruise GA08, Rahlf et al. (2020, see reference below) determined seawater profiles of dissolved radiogenic neodymium isotope signatures (εNd) and neodymium concentrations across the restricted western […]
The Solomon Sea is surrounded by high and intensively weathered islands. Its complex topography and hydrography make this area a potential source of trace elements to the waters flowing through […]
A high resolution survey of the distribution of dissolved iron (dFe) over the Hebridean (Scottish) shelf break was conducted as part of the U.K. Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry programme, a GEOTRACES […]
This verdict is well illustrated by the recent study of Rodrigo Pedreira (2018, see reference below) off the North East Brazilian coast. His Rare Earth Elements (REE) data reveal marked […]
They show that radium-228 data coupled to the dissolved iron, cobalt and manganese provide evidence that lateral transport of sediments from continental margins.
Based on a thorough investigation of water and suspended sediment samples collected over two years and a six seasons, Samanta and Dalai (2018, see reference below) show that the annual […]
In the framework of the GEOTRACES cruise along the GA04 section in the Meditterranean Sea, Gdaniec et al. (2018, see reference below) measured thorium (Th) and protactinium (Pa) isotope distributions […]
Measurements of radium-228 (228Ra) in the framework of the 2015 U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic Transect (GN01), revealed that the surface water content of this tracer has almost doubled over the last […]
In the framework of the GEOTRACES TransGeoBioOc process study (GPpr04), seawater samples were collected at 12 stations (and up to 17 depths per stations) along the SO223T cruise transect from […]
Crusius and co-workers (2017, see reference below), reveal temporal and spatial variability in the sources of iron (Fe) to the northern Gulf of Alaska, based on data from cruises from […]
Subarctic Pacific is known as High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) area, where phytoplankton growth is limited by dissolved iron (DFe) availability. The biological activity in the surface waters is also […]
Dissolved and particulate barium (Ba) were investigated in samples that were collected in six periods of contrasting water discharge over two years (2012 and 2013) by Saumik and Dalai (2016, […]
In the Eastern China Sea (ECS), the continental shelf serves as an important source of dissolved aluminium (DAl) for the overlaying waters via resuspension of sediments and benthic fluxes. This […]
This work highlights the importance of the sedimentary source of dissolved Rare Earth Elements (REE) to the oceanic waters. Indeed, strong subsurface REE concentration maxima are evidenced in pore fluids […]
The relative importance of four different dissolved iron (Fe) sources in the North Atlantic Ocean have been precisely determined for the first time thanks to GEOTRACES. Using a novel method […]
Using model simulations, Tagliabue and co-authors (2014, see reference below) tested the sensitivity of the ocean to absorb the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in response to variable supply of iron. […]
Hayes and co-workers are back with another rich contribution, based on dissolved thorium-232 (232Th) and thorium-230 (230Th) (click here to access previous highlight from the same author). The game is […]
Nishioka and co-authors demonstrate the pivotal role of tidal mixing in the Kuril Islands chain (KIC) for determining iron (Fe) supply to the euphotic zone of the Western Subartic Pacific. […]
Soluble manganese(III) [Mn(III)] is a phase traditionally considered non important in aqueous redox reactions. However, applying a spectrophotometric method sensitive to Mn oxidation state, Madison and co-authors found that up […]
Intermediate waters of the Bay of Bengal can be a significant source of dissolved barium (Ba) to the Indian Ocean. This is the conlusion of an extensive study of the […]