When covariance of trace metals and prokaryotic taxa are tagging water masses (Southern Indian Ocean)
Zhang and colleagues investigated the potential reciprocal links between diverse prokaryotic taxa and concentrations of trace elements.
Zhang and colleagues investigated the potential reciprocal links between diverse prokaryotic taxa and concentrations of trace elements.
Xiang and his colleagues conducted laboratory incubation experiments that simulate mining discharge into anoxic waters…
Liu and colleagues show that rainfall augments some fluxes of trace metals from the Congo River.
Benaltabet and his colleagues present a 2-year time series of several trace metal concentration profiles sampled at a daily resolution.
Steiner and colleagues analysed porewater and bulk sediment concentrations of multiple trace elements along a transect from Hawaii to Alaska.
A suite of trace element was measured in aerosols collected in the North and equatorial Pacific.
Earth’s Ice Sheets are known to release significant quantities of lithogenic particles into the ocean every year, but how does this material affect trace metal availability in the ocean?
This study provides evidence for the processing of nine particulate trace metals in multiple manners by diverse microbial communities.
Zheng and co-authors observed sectional distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, and copper in the North Pacific Ocean during three GEOTRACES related cruises…
Chen and co-workers analyzed an array of trace metals together with Rare Earth Elements in a salinity gradient in the Jinhae Bay, the largest semi-enclosed bay in South Korea…
A new study found that freshwater runoff from rivers and continental shelf sediments are bringing significant quantities of carbon and trace elements into parts of the Arctic Ocean
After a brief reminder on the motivation and foundation processes of the international and ambitious programme GEOTRACES, Bob Anderson (2020, see reference below) proposes an overview of many results of […]
Thanks to the newly launched research vessel (R/V) Isabu of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and the acquisition of a contamination-free PRISTINE (NIOZ, NL) ultraclean seawater sampling system […]
Did you know that each of these tracers could follow its own marine story, quite decoupled from the others?
Do you wish to improve your recoveries, blanks or any other parameter of your seawater preconcentration system (seaFAST)? Or are you simply curious about it? Wuttig and co-workers (2019, see reference […]
Atmospheric dust is considered an important source of trace elements to the ocean. As part of the Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect GEOTRACES cruise (EPZT GP16), Buck and co-workers collected 17 […]
Data collected during the US Arctic GEOTRACES expedition in 2015 (along GEOTRACES section GN01) were used to estimate the mean residence time of dissolved trace elements (iron-Fe, manganese-Mn, nickel-Ni, cadmium-Cd, […]
Dust particles settling into the surface of open ocean environments are for years assumed to provide nutrients to these distant nutrient-limited areas. Torfstein and Kienast (2018, see reference below) present […]
Jackson and co-workers (2018, see reference below) first did a classical offline preconcentration of small seawater aliquots using a SeaFast system. More innovative is the use of a state of […]
Alex Baker and Tim Jickells (2017, see reference below) propose to answer to this question thanks to analysis of aerosols collected in the framework of the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT). […]
Shelley and co-workers (2016, see reference below) established that atmospheric deposition of trace elements was low throughout May-June 2014 along the GEOVIDE (GA01) cruise track in the North Atlantic Ocean. […]
Local particulate maxima in many bioactive trace metals (cadmium, Cd; cobalt, Co; nickel, Ni; vanadium, V; and zinc, Zn) are found in the upper Oxygen Deficient Zone (ODZ), coincident with […]
First paper of the SCOR working group on modelling chemical speciation in seawater (WG145) The form in which a trace element or other component of seawater is present, and its […]
GEOTRACES proposes an article that describes its first integrated and quality controlled Intermediate Data Product 2014 (IDP2014): the digital data package and the eGEOTRACES electronic Atlas that provides section plots and […]
New revelations on the land-ocean flux of chemical elements are presented in two different papers highlighting the value of the ocean isotopic data. Both works reveal that the present quantification […]
Twining and co-authors (2014, see reference below) used synchrotron x-ray fluorescence mapping to measure macronutrients such phosphorus (P), sulphur (S), and silicon (Si), and also trace metals like iron (Fe), […]
Read about the experiences and lessons learned in the planning and implementation of GEOTRACES international programme in a recent paper published in Oceanography. Anderson and co-authors present an extraordinary synthesis of […]
An automated, on-line extraction, flow-injection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method is presented by Lagerström and co-authors for simultaneous determination of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), […]
Measuring concentrations of many constituents at the nano- to picomolar levels in seawater is a difficult challenge, requiring thorough intercalibration between the different laboratories participating to the same programme. GEOTRACES is […]
The first simultaneous, full-depth, and basin-scale section-distribution of dissolved (D) aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) is […]