Science Highlights

Some recent GEOTRACES science findings are reported below.

What are the drivers of the distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper and cobalt, manganese and aluminium in the Atlantic Ocean? Two papers are tackling this issue

Chen and co-authors reveal that the distributions of dissolved tracers at depth in the South Atlantic are predominantly controlled by the mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water and waters of Antarctic origin…


Disentangling the sources and transport of iron in the Southern Ocean using a water mass mixing model analysis

Traill and co-workers used an extended optimum multiparameter analysis water‐mass mixing model to determine the interplay between physical and biological processes, and sources/sinks driving dissolved iron distributions…


A detailed investigation of iron complexation by organic ligands in the Western Tropical South Pacific Ocean

Mahieu and his co-workers present the conditional concentration and binding-strength of iron-binding ligands during the GEOTRACES TONGA cruise.


New algorithm unclogs major bottleneck in ocean geochemical and biogeochemical modelling

Numerical models are some of the principal tools for understanding the cycling of geochemical and biogeochemical tracers in the ocean…


The tumultuous life of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over 5,3 million years, including focus on the glacial-interglacial forcing!

Lamy and co-authors used sediment records from the pelagic central and remote South Pacific Ocean, to reconstruct the strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and shifts of the Southern Ocean frontal system over the past roughly 5.3 Myr…


North-South radium-228 section in the Pacific Ocean

Moore and colleagues present results from radium-228 along the U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15).


Strong lithogenic imprints in the Indian Ocean waters

Ueki and co-authors reported the first sectional distributions of zirconium, hafnium and niobium along a north-south track in the Indian Ocean.


The development of the modern Antarctic Circumpolar Current occurred much later than previously thought!

This study is challenging the belief that the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current was solely triggered by the opening and deepening of Southern Ocean Gateways.


A dynamic iron cycle in Peru

Gu and colleagues explore the temporal variation of iron over 11 cruises along the Peruvian shelf.

