Internal tides, energetic dynamical processes that generate particle nepheloids at different depths
In this study, Barbot and co-authors identified the sites where internal tides are responsible for sediment resuspension…
In this study, Barbot and co-authors identified the sites where internal tides are responsible for sediment resuspension…
Chen and colleagues explore the behaviour of thorium-230 and protactinium-231 in the benthic nepheloid layers…
A data base of 2412 profiles collected using the Lamont Thorndike nephelometer from 1964 to 1984 is used to globally map turbid nepheloid layers by Gardner and co-workers (2018, see […]
This is the first compilation of an expansive data base of transmissometer data on a decadal period of time. More than 7376 stations have been analyzed for “cp” value, a […]
Models simulating any oceanic tracer biogeochemistry require a good depiction of the particle distribution, key to incorporating properly scavenging-remineralization processes. However, this kind of description is still rare. Gardner and co-workers […]
How ubiquitous, variable or persistent are nepheloid layers? What is the main process generating these “clouds at the bottom of the sea”? Gardner and co-workers (2017, see reference below) explore […]