Science Highlights

Some recent GEOTRACES science findings are reported below.

Terrestrial iron inputs and reverse weathering in the Amazon mouth

Understanding the key processes that condition the net input of chemical species to the ocean is an important challenge…


Tracing dust deposition with aluminium and silicate at a resolution never reached before

Benaltabet and his colleagues propose a study of the dissolved aluminium and silicate fate in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea).


Different fates of four poorly soluble trace elements in the Pacific Ocean

Zheng and co-authors present the full-depth distributions of aluminum, lead, manganese and copper in the western South Pacific.


Internal tides, energetic dynamical processes that generate particle nepheloids at different depths

In this study, Barbot and co-authors identified the sites where internal tides are responsible for sediment resuspension…


Greenland’s floating ice tongues, sources of dissolved lead to the Arctic

Using helium and neon as tracers for subglacial meltwater, Krisch and colleagues found that subglacial discharge is a source of dissolved lead.

Shelf sediments in the Benguela Upwelling System as a major source of trace metals to the shelf and eastern South Atlantic Ocean

Liu and her colleagues investigated dissolved trace metals distributions within the Benguela Upwelling System sampled from GEOTRACES GA08 cruise.


Debate on the dissolved nickel bioavailibility in surface waters

John and co-authors tackle one of the known paradoxes regarding trace metal cycles in the ocean…


Shedding light on Arctic Mercury

New research is now shining a light on mercury cycling on the Arctic shelf.


Trace metal quotas in small flagellates: diatoms are challenged!

Sofen and colleagues found that in natural plankton assemblages and in culture, small flagellates operated at the lower range of iron quotas.

