GEOTRACES Science Highlights
– South Pacific particulate organic carbon fate challenges Martin’s Law
Carbon storage in the ocean is sensitive to the depths at which particulate organic carbon is respired back to CO2 within the twilight zone. For decades, it has been an oceanographic priority to determine the depth scale of this regeneration process…
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– About the decoupled fates of aluminium, manganese, cobalt and lead in the North Pacific Ocean
This is what is shown and discussed by Zheng and co-workers after having analysed about 500 samples for aluminium, manganese, lead and cobalt along three sections in the North Pacific Ocean. They demonstrate that the distribution of each element is uniquely related to ocean circulation…
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– On the optimal use of the seaFAST system
Do you wish to improve your recoveries, blanks or any other parameter of your seawater preconcentration system (seaFAST)? Or are you simply curious about it? Wuttig and co-workers propose a critical evaluation of this system’s capabilities…
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– A treasure of geochemical data to trace ocean circulation, ventilation, mixing, biogeochemical and hydrothermal processes
This treasure is made of approximately 60,000 valid tritium measurements, 63,000 valid helium isotope determinations, 57,000 dissolved helium concentrations, and 34,000 dissolved neon concentrations, including their metadata (geographic location, date and sample depth)…
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– Fate of different iron phases along the Lena river plume in the Arctic Ocean
Separation of the particulate, colloidal, and truly dissolved fractions of iron was carried out along the 600 km mixing between the Lena river and the Laptev seawater. While 99% of the particulate iron and 90% of the colloidal one are disappearing across the shelf, the truly dissolved iron stays relatively constant along the Lena River plume…
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– A new brick to the zinc-silicate-phosphate oceanic story
Middag and co-workers established the distributions of dissolved zinc, silicate and phosphate at high resolution along the GEOTRACES transect GA02, in other words, covering the North and South Atlantic Ocean from Greenland to the tip of South America. This section track allowed them to unravel the influence of various water masses and local biogeochemical processes…
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– Survey about GEOTRACES
We need your input to help the GEOTRACES project review the achievements of its first 10 years and plan its next phase.
GEOTRACES is being reviewed by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) in the project’s mid-life, to help assess the past performance of the project and plan for its future. Please contribute to the ongoing review by answering to the following survey by 15 June 2019:
Thank you!
– GEOTRACES Annual Report to SCOR
The GEOTRACES Annual Report to SCOR is now available on the GEOTRACES web site. Read and download it here.

– Featured Best Practice –
Inform us about any outreach or training material related to GEOTRACES research
>> To contribute building a repository of GEOTRACES outreach and educational materials
GEOTRACES in Numbers
» Cruises completed: |
113 |
» Section cruises completed: |
40 |
» Peer-reviewed papers:
1261 |
– Cruises:
25 April – 10 June 2019, KK1902 GEOTRACES Section Cruise (GP09), North West Pacific.
21 May – 4 June 2019, SAMBAR_A2/SAM17 Process Study (GApr14), South West Atlantic.
14 August – 20 August 2019, BAIT-3 Process Study (GApr13), North Atlantic Ocean (Sargasso Sea).
31 October – 6 December 2019, GEOTRACES TONGA Process Study (GPpr14), Western Tropical South Pacific.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES Summer School
23 – 28 September 2019, 2nd GEOTRACES Summer School, Cadiz, Spain. Applications are now closed.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES meetings:
11 – 12 June 2019, GEOTRACES Standards & Intercalibration Committee, Norfolk, USA.
7 – 8 September 2019, GEOTRACES Data Management Committee, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
9 – 11 September 2019, GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES Special Sessions:
18 – 23 August 2019, Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona.
Access the GEOTRACES Calendar
Latest Publications
– George, E., Stirling, C. H., Gault-Ringold, M., Ellwood, M. J., & Middag, R. (2019). Marine biogeochemical cycling of cadmium and cadmium isotopes in the extreme nutrient-depleted subtropical gyre of the South West Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 514, 84–95. DOI: 10.1016/J.EPSL.2019.02.031
– Gourain, A., Planquette, H., Cheize, M., Lemaitre, N., Menzel Barraqueta, J.-L., Shelley, R.,Lherminier, P., Sarthou, G. (2019). Inputs and processes affecting the distribution of particulate iron in the North Atlantic along the GEOVIDE (GEOTRACES GA01) section. Biogeosciences, 16(7), 1563–1582. DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-1563-2019
– Menzel Barraqueta, J.-L., Klar, J. K., Gledhill, M., Schlosser, C., Shelley, R., Planquette, H. F.,Wenzel, B., Sarthou, G., Achterberg, E. P. (2019). Atmospheric deposition fluxes over the Atlantic Ocean: a GEOTRACES case study. Biogeosciences, 16(7), 1525–1542. DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-1525-2019
– Tachikawa, K., Anderson, R., Vidal, L., & Jeandel, C. (2019). Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: Starting a new synergic effort around marine geochemical proxies. Past Global Changes Magazine, 27(1), 35. DOI: 10.22498/pages.27.1.35
Acces the GEOTRACES Database |
Banner 3D scene figure: 3D scene showing the distribution of dissolved iron in the Atlantic Ocean. Source: Schlitzer, R., eGEOTRACES – Electronic Atlas of GEOTRACES Sections and Animated 3D Scenes,, 2017.
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