GEOTRACES Science Highlights
– Land inputs in the Arctic transported up to the North Pole?
M. Charette and his colleagues gathered data on trace elements, radionuclides, dissolved organic matter and many ancillary parameters collected as part of the two Arctic GEOTRACES cruises conducted in 2015…
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– Arctic mercury export flux with marine particles highter than anticipated
In the ocean, the residence time of mercury is largely driven by two removal mechanisms: evasion to the atmosphere and downward export flux with settling particles. The later was particularly poorly constrained in the Arctic Ocean, as was the mercury burial rate into the sediment…
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– Mechanisms driving biological CO2 drawdown in the subarctic Pacific Ocean unraveled
Nishioka and co-authors compiled comprehensive data sets of iron and macronutrients (including new data from GEOTRACES cruise GP02) covering the whole subarctic Pacific Ocean…
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– The biogeochemical ventures of dissolved iron and manganese across the Arctic Ocean
The spatial distributions and biogeochemical cycling of dissolved iron and dissolved manganese across the Arctic Ocean were established during summer and fall 2015. The Canadian GEOTRACES transect extended from the Canada Basin to the Labrador Sea via the Canadian Arctic Archipelago…
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– Loihi Seamount: hydrothermal helium-3 and dissolved iron sources and their dispersion within the Pacific Ocean
As part of the GEOTRACES cruise GP15, Jenkins and co-workers observed large water column anomalies in helium isotopes and trace metal concentrations above the Loihi Seamount (~19°N, 154°W) that extends along the GP15 track for hundreds of kilometers…
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– Silicon isotopes reveal the different Arctic end members contributing to the deep water formed in the North Atlantic Ocean
Combining a multiparametric analysis, biogenic and dissolved silicon (Si) isotope data (30Si-bSiO2 and δ30Si-DSi, respectively) in the Arctic Ocean, Liguori and co-workers could unravel the influence of water masses on the δ30Si-DSi distribution within the Arctic Ocean….
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– GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021:
** Deadline – Submission Process – New Fair Use Agreement **
The deadline for guaranteed inclusion of data in the third GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product (IDP2021), was May 15, 2020. We greatly appreciate those of you who have met this deadline.
The final deadline for dataset submission is December 15, 2020. We will make every effort to include all datasets that are submitted, but registering your dataset as soon as possible will improve the chances that it will be included in IDP2021.
Please read the initial announcement of the GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 that includes more details about the dataset registration, submission process and the new IDP2021 Fair Use Agreement.
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– 2nd Russian Workshop sucessfully held in Moscow
The 2nd Russian GEOTRACES Workshop was held on February 7, 2020 in Moscow at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences ( Prof. Dr. Eric Achterberg initiated the GEOTRACES seminar during his visit as part of the Helmholtz team. About 50 people attended the seminar in Moscow..
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– Featured Best Practice –
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GEOTRACES in Numbers
» Cruises completed: |
120 |
» Section cruises completed:
41 |
» Peer-reviewed papers:
1364 |
– Cruises:
01 July – 01 August 2021, MetalGate Process Study (GApr16), North Atlantic Ocean and seas around Iceland. This cruise has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new dates provided for reference only.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES meetings:
13 – 14 September 2020, GEOTRACES Data Management Committee, Virtual Meeting, USA.
15 – 17 September 2020, GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee, Virtual meeting.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES or GEOTRACES-related Special Sessions:
21 – 26 June 2020, Virtual Goldschmidt 2020, Virtual meeting.
– GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 (IDP2021) deadline :
15 December 2020, Submit intercalibration reports and datasets for inclusion in IDP2021..
Access the GEOTRACES Calendar
Latest Publications
– Allen, R., Hoffmann, L. J., Law, C. S., & Summerfield, T. C. (2020). Subtle bacterioplankton community responses to elevated CO2 and warming in the oligotrophic South Pacific gyre. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1758-2229.12844. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12844
– Hayes, C. T., Fitzsimmons, J. N., Jensen, L. T., Lanning, N. T., Hatta, M., McGee, D., & Boyle, E. A. (2020). A Lagrangian View of Trace Elements and Isotopes in the North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(3). DOI: 10.1029/2019JC015862
– Kipp, L. E., Henderson, P. B., Wang, Z. A., & Charette, M. A. (2020). Deltaic and estuarine controls on Mackenzie River solute fluxes to the Arctic Ocean. Estuaries and Coasts, 1–23. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-020-00739-8
– Roshan, S., DeVries, T., Wu, J., John, S., & Weber, T. (2020). Reversible scavenging traps hydrothermal iron in the deep ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542, 116297. 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116297
– Wang, B. S., & Ho, T. Y. (2020). Aerosol Fe cycling in the surface water of the Northwestern Pacific ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 183, 102291. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102291
Acces the GEOTRACES Database |
Banner 3D scene figure: 3D scene showing the distribution of dissolved iron in the Atlantic Ocean. Source: Schlitzer, R., eGEOTRACES – Electronic Atlas of GEOTRACES Sections and Animated 3D Scenes,, 2017.
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