
This section presents the GEOTRACES scientific activities.


Exhaustive study discussing ocean marine carbon dioxide removal via iron fertilization

Bach and colleagues approach favours to use a range of observational, experimental, and computational data sources.


Hydrothermal Mercury – the natural story of a contaminant

An international team of researchers has established the first global estimate of hydrothermal mercury emissions from mid ocean ridge.


Breaking down disciplinary silos in marine sciences, a key to climate forecasting

Alessandro Tagliabue exposes how ocean modelling must evolve to take the biological complexity of the surface ocean into account.


Challenging results on iron bioavailability in the Southern Ocean

Fourquez and co-authors conducted dissolved iron uptake experiments with Phaeocystis antarctica…


Lead isotopes allow tracing the processes injecting of anthropogenic lead in deep waters

This work follows the penetration of anthropogenic lead (traced using its isotopic signatures) into the pristine deep Pacific Ocean.


Protactinium-231 budget of the Atlantic sector of Southern Ocean

Levier and colleagues analysed dissolved and particulate protactinium-231 in samples collected in a section in the Southern Ocean…


Using machine learning to accurately simulate the oceanic barium distribution

Mete and colleagues used machine learning to predict the global distribution of oceanic barium…


First direct measurement of actinium (but also radium and thorium) distribution coefficient values in marine sediments

Actinium-227, radium-226 and radium-228 profiles in sediments were measured and modeled at 5 stations in the Northeast Pacific…


Overlooked riverine contributions of dissolved neodymium and hafnium to the Amazon estuary and oceans

Xu and colleagues investigated the isotopic composition of dissolved neodymium and hafnium along the entire salinity gradient of the Amazon estuary.

