
This section presents the GEOTRACES scientific activities.


Comprehensive quantification of the rare earth element cycle in the northwest Pacific

Cao and co-authors investigate dissolved rare earth elements and the factors controlling their distributions in the northwest Pacific.


Iron and zinc isotopes disentangle the anthropogenic, natural and wildfire sources of aerosols over the North and Equatorial Pacific Ocean

Bunnell and co-authors analysed aerosol iron and zinc isotopic compositions along the North Pacific GEOTRACES GP15 section (Alaska-Tahiti).


Contribution of sandy beaches to the oceanic silica cycle

This paper calls into question the commonly accepted idea of an oceanic silicon cycle in equilibrium.


North – South contrasting behavior of dissolved cobalt in the Indian Ocean

Malla and Singh have studied the complex biogeochemical processes of total dissolved cobalt in the Indian Ocean.


The Amazonian mangrove systems accumulate and release dissolved neodymium and hafnium to the oceans

Xu and colleagues investigated the concentrations of rare earth elements in the Amazonian mangrove.


Biological production of ligands influences iron chemistry in hydrothermal systems

For the first time, siderophores and siderophore-producing microbes were determined in 11 distinct hydrothermal plume environments.


Nutrient-OMICS coupling approach reveals unexpected actors for atmospheric carbon sequestration

Sharma and colleagues investigated the role of clay minerals in strengthening the marine biological pump.


Distribution and fate of the lithogenic and anthropogenic aerosols over the Mediterranean and Black Seas

Shelley and co-authors propose an extensive coverage of the distribution and fate of the lithogenic and anthropogenic aerosols over the Mediterranean and Black Seas.


News on the dinitrogen fixation mechanisms across the North-South Indian Ocean

Chowdhury and his colleagues provide an extensive study of the dinitrogen fixation mechanisms from the tropical to the austral Indian Ocean.
