Factsheet #8: Dissolved Nickel

Find below a summary of main GEOTRACES findings and products on nickel research:


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3D scenes showing the distribution of dissolved iron in the Atlantic and the Pacific. In warm colours (red, orange, etc.) you can view high concentrations of dissolved nickel.


Data is available to download after registration here: https://geotraces.webodv.awi.de/login

Discoveries include:

Below you can find a list of science highlights of main GEOTRACES discoveries on nickel research:

Science Highlights

Shelf sediments in the Benguela Upwelling System as a major source of trace metals to the shelf and eastern South Atlantic Ocean

Liu and her colleagues investigated dissolved trace metals distributions within the Benguela Upwelling System sampled from GEOTRACES GA08 cruise.

Science Highlights

Debate on the dissolved nickel bioavailibility in surface waters

John and co-authors tackle one of the known paradoxes regarding trace metal cycles in the ocean…

Science Highlights

Nickel bioactive role in the oceans assessed by its isotopes

Lemaitre and her colleagues realized the simultaneous analysis of the dissolved nickel isotopes and concentrations in the North Atlantic.

Science Highlights

Contrasting distributions of dissolved manganese, nickel, cadmium and zinc in the Mediterranean Sea

Extensive trace metal clean sampling during the Dutch GEOTRACES cruise in the Mediterranean Sea allowed Middag and his colleagues to establish the basin scale distribution of these trace metals.

Science Highlights

Icebergs as sources of trace metals to the ocean: which impact?

Earth’s Ice Sheets are known to release significant quantities of lithogenic particles into the ocean every year, but how does this material affect trace metal availability in the ocean?

Science Highlights

Scavenging differentiates the distribution of cadmium, nickel, zinc and copper in the North Pacific Ocean

Zheng and co-authors observed sectional distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, and copper in the North Pacific Ocean during three GEOTRACES related cruises…

List of publications

Scroll down to view the list of GEOTRACES publications on dissolved nickel:
