We have had an exciting past few days on-board the Research Vessel Southern Surveyor. On Saturday we crossed the international date-line (1800) where east meets west, and all of a […]
We have had an exciting past few days on-board the Research Vessel Southern Surveyor. On Saturday we crossed the international date-line (1800) where east meets west, and all of a […]
We are currently steaming across the South Fiji Basin situated at 30o 30‘S having finished sampling all the stations along the 30oS line of latitude. The topography of the surrounding seafloor […]
We are currently situated about 50 miles south of Norfolk Island in the Tasman Sea northwest of New Zealand. Unfortunately there is time to stop there, although there have been […]
We are now well under way on the GEOTRACES GP13 transect having completed five normal stations and both a mega and a super station. Overall we have successfully carried out […]
On the Friday the 13th, we left the Port of Brisbane on the Southern Surveyor around 16:30. The Port of Brisbane, situated about 30 km outside the city, is enormous […]