GEOTRACES Science Highlights
– Do you know that coastal phytoplankton is able to adapt to iron limitation?
Oceanographers have long understood that phytoplankton in the open ocean tend to have lower iron (Fe) requirements and/or more strategies for obtaining Fe from the environment. Adding a new twist to the established paradigm, Mackey and co-workers show that coastal Synechococcus from the New England shelf is capable of dynamic, multitiered Fe adaptation…
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– Large fluxes of dissolved aluminium exported from the coast to the ocean
In the Eastern China Sea (ECS), the continental shelf serves as an important source of dissolved aluminium for the overlaying waters via resuspension of sediments and benthic fluxes. This was demonstrated by Ren et al. (2015), who identified cross-shelf transport in the subsurface water over the ECS…
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– New insights into global barium cycling from the first barium isotope data for seawater
A new method developed by Horner and co-workers allows for the determination of dissolved barium (Ba) isotopic compositions in seawater using nanogram quantities of Ba….
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– Metal contents of North Atlantic phytoplankton across environmental gradients
Twining and co-workers provide the first direct measurements of metal quotas in phytoplankton from across the North Atlantic Ocean (U.S. GEOTRACES GA03 section), known to be subjected to aeolian Saharan inputs and anthropogenic inputs from North America and Europe…
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– GEOTRACES publishes the motivations and description of its first Intermediate Data Product
GEOTRACES proposes an article that describes its first integrated and quality controlled Intermediate Data Product 2014 (IDP2014): the digital data package and the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas that provides section plots and animated 3D scenes of the data…
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– GEOTRACES at the 2015 Goldschmidt Conference
An impressive amount of novel GEOTRACES scientific results were presented at the 2015 Goldschmidt Conference (Prague, Czech Republic, 16-21 August, 2015).
A total of 8 GEOTRACES-related sessions were held including 103 oral presentations and 83 posters. As a result, the “Ocean Biogeochemistry” theme co-cordinated by Andrew Bowie (University of Tasmania, Australia) and Geraldine Sarthou (LEMAR CNRS, Brest University, France) was one of the largest scientific themes of the Conference.
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– GEOTRACES special issue in Marine Chemistry published!
A new special issue devoted to GEOTRACES research is now published in Marine Chemistry.
The first paper of this volume describes the GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014 (IDP2014), the first publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme.
Beyond the IDP2014 introduction, exciting papers present up-to-date research on the behaviors of iron (the permanent guest star, with more than 5 articles!), aluminium (4 articles), gallium (a new fellow), discussions on some known couples (or decoupled?, cadmium-phosphate and zinc-silicic acid) and new results on more usual tracers (rare earth element or nitrate, radium and thorium isotopes).

Marine Chemistry Volume 177, Part 1, Pages 1-202 (20 December 2015) Biogeochemistry of trace elements and their isotopes Edited by Rob Middag, Claudine Stirling, Alessandro Tagliabue and Jingfeng Wu
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…coming soon… eNewsletter Special Issue: GEOTRACES Outreach!
GEOTRACES in Numbers
» Cruises completed: |
60 |
» Section cruises completed:
» Stations completed:
895 |
» Peer-reviewed papers:
558 |
– Cruises:
22 November 2015 – 28 December 2015, German section cruise (GA08), South-East Atlantic.
17 December 2015 – 28 January 2016, UltraPac – Process Study (GPpr09), South Pacific.
08 January 2016 – 05 March 2016, HEOBI-Process Study (GIpr05), Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (around Heard Island).
08 January 2016 – 15 March 2016, K-Axis Process Study (GIpr06), Indian sector of the Southern Ocean.
15 March 2016 – 13 April 2016, Eddies – Process Study (GPpr11), Australian sector of the Southern Ocean (south of Tasmania).
19 July 2016 – 09 September 2016, German Arctic section cruise (GN05), FRAM Strait, 79°N.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES Meetings:
7 – 8 December 2015, The biological and climatic impacts of ocean trace-element chemistry, The Royal Society, London, UK. Some places still available!
9 – 10 December 2015, Quantifying fluxes and processes of trace-metal cycling at ocean boundaries, Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire, UK.
12 January 2016, Standards and Intercalibration Committee Meeting, virtual meeting.
27 – 28 January 2016, Biogeochemical studies in the Siberian Shelf Seas Workshop,Kiel, Germany.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES Special Sessions:
14 – 18 December 2015, American Geophysical Union Fall 2015, San Francisco, California, USA.
21 – 26 February 2016, 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. GEOTRACES Town Hall!
17 – 22 April 2016, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Vienna, Austria.
– Other relevant events:
07 – 09 December 2015, SCOR Annual Meeting, Goa, India.
30 November 2015 – 04 December 2015, International Symposium on the Indian Ocean, Goa, India.
Access the GEOTRACES Calendar
Latest Publications
– Closset, I., Cardinal, D., Bray, S. G., Thil, F., Djouraev, I., Rigual-Hernández, A. S., & Trull, T. W. (2015). Seasonal variations, origin, and fate of settling diatoms in the Southern Ocean tracked by silicon isotope records in deep sediment traps. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(9), 1495–1510. doi: 10.1002/2015GB005180.
– Banerji, U. S., Pandey, S., Bhushan, R., & Juyal, N. (2015). Mid-Holocene climate and land–sea interaction along the southern coast of Saurashtra, western India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 428–439. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.06.021.
– Findlay, A. J., Gartman, A., Shaw, T. J., & Luther, G. W. (2015). Trace metal concentration and partitioning in the first 1.5m of hydrothermal vent plumes along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: TAG, Snakepit, and Rainbow. Chemical Geology, 412, 117–131. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.07.021.
– Yang, S.-C., Lee, D.-C., & Ho, T.-Y. (2015). Cd isotopic composition in the suspended and sinking particles of the surface water of the South China Sea: The effects of biotic activities. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 428, 63–72. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.025.
– Sherrell, R. M., Lagerström, M. E., Forsch, K. O., Stammerjohn, S. E., & Yager, P. L. (2015). Dynamics of dissolved iron and other bioactive trace metals (Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn) in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 3(1), 000071. doi:10.12952/journal.elementa.000071.
Acces the GEOTRACES Database |
Banner 3D scene figure: 3D scene showing the distribution of dissolved iron in the Atlantic Ocean. Source: Schlitzer, R., eGEOTRACES – Electronic Atlas of GEOTRACES Sections and Animated 3D Scenes,, 2014. |