GEOTRACES Science Highlights
– Welcome to the first Korean participation in GEOTRACES
Thanks to the newly launched research vessel Isabu of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, KIOST, and the acquisition of a contamination-free PRISTINE ultraclean seawater sampling system, the Korean marine geochemists are pleased to published their first reliable trace metal results…
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– Rare Earth distribution and pattern anomalies in the Solomon Sea
The Solomon Sea is surrounded by high and intensively weathered islands. Its complex topography and hydrography make this area a potential source of trace elements to the waters flowing through it. Dissolved rare earth elements analysis of more than 150 samples collected in the framework of the PANDORA cruise (along GEOTRACES GP12 section) showed that…
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– Icebergs; a huge but highly variable source of iron to the ocean
Icebergs have been speculated to constitute one of the largest fluxes of iron into the polar oceans since the 1930s and thus recent increases in ice discharge around the world could potentially change iron availability in the ocean….
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– Tracing water mass mixing in the Cape Basin and the restricted Angola Basin with radiogenic neodymium isotopes
In the frame of GEOTRACES cruise GA08, Rahlf and colleagues determined seawater profiles of dissolved radiogenic neodymium isotope signatures and neodymium concentrations across the restricted western Angola Basin and along the northern Cape Basin to investigate mixing and provenance of water masses…
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– Neural network as tools to replace oceanic data deficiencies
The importance of the cycle and speciation of nitrate and its isotopes (δ15N) in the ocean does not have to be demonstrated anymore. In an attempt to overcome the difficulty to compare the results of N/δ15N cycle models to a sparse set of data, Rafter and co-workers propose an original approach, based on artificial intelligence methods…..
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– New Consensus Values Available |
Consensus Values for the GEOTRACES standards GSP (2009 GEOTRACES Pacific surface seawater) and GSC (2009 GEOTRACES coastal surface seawater) are available to download here.
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– Successful GEOTRACES summer school held in Spain
The 2nd GEOTRACES Summer School was hosted by the International Campus of Excellence of the Sea (CEI · Mar, Cadiz, Spain) on board the Spanish school vessel ‘Intermares’. It offered a series of sampling workshops and a faculty composed of word-leading international scientists.
The summer school attracted more than a hundred applicants from all over the world. From them a total of 39 students were selected coming from countries such as: United States, India, Brazil, Germany, among 15 other nationalities…
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THANKS to the organising committee; the local hosts especially Antonio Tovar, Antonio Lopez, Juan Vergara, Eva Mena and Mercedes Morales; the sponsors; and all the lecturers who made this summer school possible!
Picture: GEOTRACES Summer School participants. Click here to view the picture larger. |
– Featured Best Practice –
Include “GEOTRACES” in either the title, abstract or summary of your GEOTRACES publications.
>> To ensure that your publications are included in the GEOTRACES publication database. |
GEOTRACES in Numbers
» Cruises completed: |
117 |
» Section cruises completed:
41 |
» Peer-reviewed papers:
– Cruises:
31 October – 6 December 2019, GEOTRACES TONGA Process Study (GPpr14), Western Tropical South Pacific.
2 February – 8 March 2020, PROVOCCAR Process Study (GApr15), North Antarctic Peninsula.
– GEOTRACES Workshop:
8 – 10 December 2019, Asia GEOTRACES Workshop, Qingdao, China.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES meetings:
13 – 14 September 2020 (tentative), GEOTRACES Data Management Committee, Santa Cruz, California, USA.
15 – 17 September 2020 (tentative), GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee, Santa Cruz, California, USA.
– Forthcoming GEOTRACES Special Sessions:
16 – 20 February 2020, Ocean Sciences 2020, San Diego, California, USA.
Access the GEOTRACES Calendar
Latest Publications
– Gao, Y., Marsay, C. M., Yu, S., Fan, S., Mukherjee, P., Buck, C. S., & Landing, W. M. (2019). Particle-Size Variability of Aerosol Iron and Impact on Iron Solubility and Dry Deposition Fluxes to the Arctic Ocean. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 16653. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52468-z
– Geyman, B. M., Ptacek, J. L., LaVigne, M., & Horner, T. J. (2019). Barium in deep-sea bamboo corals: Phase associations, barium stable isotopes, and prospects for paleoceanography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 525, 115751. DOI: 10.1016/J.EPSL.2019.115751
– Morton, P. L., Landing, W. M., Shiller, A. M., Moody, A., Kelly, T. D., Bizimis, M.,Donat, J.R., De Carlo, E.H., Shacat, J. (2019). Shelf Inputs and Lateral Transport of Mn, Co, and Ce in the Western North Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 591. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00591
– Sieber, M., Conway, T. M., de Souza, G. F., Hassler, C. S., Ellwood, M. J., & Vance, D. (2019). Cycling of zinc and its isotopes across multiple zones of the Southern Ocean: Insights from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI: 10.1016/J.GCA.2019.09.039 |
>Acces the GEOTRACES Database |
Banner 3D scene figure: 3D scene showing the distribution of dissolved iron in the Atlantic Ocean. Source: Schlitzer, R., eGEOTRACES – Electronic Atlas of GEOTRACES Sections and Animated 3D Scenes,, 2017.
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