GEOTRACES: Understanding the Oceans
Let’s imagine that we are able to see our future in the Oceans… Does this idea seem surprising to you? And yet, marine environment shelters a large amount of information which, once decrypted, provide answers to questions about our changing world…
Learn about the GEOTRACES International Programme by visualising the video below!
This video is intended for the general audience – please distribute it broadly and use it in your GEOTRACES activities. A mp4 version is available upon request to the GEOTRACES IPO.
You can also view the video in youtube: or download it as mp4.

Please click on the “CC” icon available at the bottom of the Youtube video to turn on the subtitles.
Animation by Adrian Artis / Directed by Catherine Jeandel and Elena Masferrer
Voice by Thomas Boutilier / Thanks to Rogue Elephant