GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 launch webinar event videos!
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 was released on-line on 17 November 2021. Find below the recordings of the launch webinar event.
You can view the recording of the entire event here or view each individual talk by clicking on the links below:
- Introduction
Alessandro Tagliabue (University of Liverpool, UK) / Bill Landing (Florida State University, US) - Video introducing the GEOTRACES international programme Watch the video
- What does the Intermediate Data Product 2021 include and how can it be accessed?
Reiner Schlitzer (Alfred Wegener Institute, AWI, Germany) Watch the video
- Intermediate Data Product 2021 panel
Reiner Schlitzer (AWI, Germany), Maite Maldonado (University of British Columbia, Canada), Rob Middag (NIOZ, The Netherlands) / Jun Nishioka (Hokkaido University, Japan), Adrian Burd (University of Georgia, US)
Chaired by: Alessandro Tagliabue (University of Liverpool, UK) / Bill Landing (Florida State University, US)
- Science highlights
- International synthesis in the Arctic: Laramie Jensen (University of Washington, US) Watch the video
- New insights from the Indian Ocean: Sunil Kumar Singh (National Institute of Oceanography, India) Watch the video
- Constraining elemental cycling using data and models: Tom Weber (University of Rochester, US) Watch the video
- Q&A with speakers
Chaired by: Alessandro Tagliabue (University of Liverpool, UK) / Bill Landing (Florida State University, US)
What is GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product?
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Product 2021 includes hydrographic and marine geochemical data from 77 cruises. It consists of two parts: (1) a digital data package and (2) an eGEOTRACES Atlas that allows visualisation though section plots and animated 3D scenes of many of the parameters. In addition, a webODV tool allows analysis, exploration and visualisation of these data. Learn more here.