By Eric Achterberg, cruise co-chief scientist The German research cruise SO308 (along the GEOTRACES GI07 section) was completed on the morning of December 22 (2024) as we sailed into the […]
By Eric Achterberg, cruise co-chief scientist The German research cruise SO308 (along the GEOTRACES GI07 section) was completed on the morning of December 22 (2024) as we sailed into the […]
Include “GEOTRACES” in either the title, abstract or keywords of your GEOTRACES publications. 1. 2. Include “GEOTRACES” in either the title, abstract or keywords of your GEOTRACES publications. Intermediate Data […]
In this page you can find a links to ocean data repositories and databases from other international projects and programmes. These links are provided as a service to the community. […]
Do not miss the GEOTRACES Events at 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting!
An updated and corrected version of the GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 is now available to download!
A list of marine training programmes available from other programmes is available below, for informational purposes only.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Prof. Matthieu Roy-Barman.
Each of these synthesis papers represents a valuable resource summarizing state of the art information about the proxies used and about the products of their application.