. Why a GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product?
GEOTRACES is an international programme which aims to understand biogeochemical cycles and large-scale distributions of trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) in all major ocean basins.
To date: 50 cruises completed – 654 stations sampled – 800 data sets – 800 scientists – 35 nations
After 3 years of work, GEOTRACES demonstrates that high-resolution data on TEIs is opening a fascinating window on marine chemistry research:

The figures above show distribution of two different TEIs, iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al), along a section from the North to South Atlantic Ocean and from surface to bottom. High concentrations of TEIs are indicated in warm colours (red, orange, etc.).
Both tracers are lithogenic. Their contrasted distribution reflects strong differences in their internal cycles and show the importance of high-resolution sampling to distinguish small-scale features.
. What is the GEOTRACES IDP2014?
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product (IDP2014) will consist of: (1) publicly accessible digital data available from the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Center (BODC, UK) web site (http://www.bodc.ac.uk/geotraces/data/idp2014/), (2) an on-line eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas (eGEOTRACES.org) containing series of section plots, such as the two figures above, and 3-dimensional scenes of data, such as the figure below.
Note: The above hyperlinks will not be functional until after the IDP2014 public release.

This 3D scene shows the distribution of dissolved lead (Pb) in the Atlantic. This tracer is of anthropogenic origin, the dominant input into the North Atlantic and spreading with the main water masses are evident.
In addition to the anticipated usage for marine research, eGEOTRACES and the contained visual material can help in teaching and outreach activities and can also facilitate conveying societal-relevant scientific results to interested laymen or decision makers.
. Want to learn more about GEOTRACES IDP2014?
The GEOTRACES IDP will be publicly released at Ocean Sciences 2014:
GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014 Town Hall Meeting 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting (Honolulu, Hawaii) Date: 25 February 2014 Time: 12h45 Room: 319AB
The eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas will be distributed for free on a USB drive
The Intermediate Data Product (IDP) will also be presented at the Exhibition Hall at a Booth sponsored by SCOR (Booth #10).
Also, several GEOTRACES Sessions will be held at OS2014.
We will be pleased to welcome you!