OSM2020: Get your data registered for IDP2021 at SCOR Booth & sessions


GEOTRACES will have a major presence at 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting
(16-21 February, 2020, San Diego, California, USA, https://www.agu.org/Ocean-Sciences-Meeting)

This includes:

** IDP2021 dataset registration assistance at SCOR Booth **

** GEOTRACES Sessions **

** GEOTRACES-related events **

Please find the details below.


** SCOR Booth **

You can get help registering your GEOTRACES datasets for inclusion in the next Intermediate Date Product (IDP2021read announcement) at the SCOR booth!

GEOTRACES committee members and Mohamed Adjou, the leader of the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre (GDAC) will be at the booth to help and provide guided hands-on demonstrations of the new IDP interface, the DOoR Portal.

Stop by to get started registering your datasets! 

Tuesday 18 February to Thursday 20 February, 2020, from 10:00 to 18:00
Booth #341 – Check the booth staffing schedules.

DOoR demonstrations:
Tuesday, February 18: 11:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00
Wednesday, February 19: 10:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00
Thursday, February 20: 10:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00


** GEOTRACES-related event **

“A New Approach to Chemical Speciation Modeling – Join us for a Test Drive at Ocean Sciences 2020”

Thursday, 20 February: 12:45 – 13:45 (SDCC, 1A, UL)
Lunchtime event (box lunch provided)

SCOR Booth: 
Tuesday, February 18: 11:00-12:00, 16:00-17:00
Wednesday, February 19: 11:00-12:00, 13:00-14:00
Thursday, February 20: 10:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00

Description: Salinity-based equilibrium constants are widely used to estimate trace element speciation and solve the marine carbonate system. However, this approach is necessarily limited to solutions with seawater stoichiometry. As part of SCOR Working Group 145 and a collaborative NERC/NSF-funded project, we have been developing models that use thermodynamic equilibrium constants, together with activity coefficients, taking into account the concentration-dependent effects of individual solutes on speciation. Consequently, these models are applicable to waters that depart from standard seawater composition. Total uncertainties, as well as uncertainty contributions from each individual element of the model, are calculated. Recent Ocean Sciences Meetings have provided opportunities to query the oceanographic community on model priorities and features and provide updates on progress. A draft model will be ready to share with the community at Ocean Sciences 2020!

Read more


** GEOTRACES and GEOTRACES-related sessions (see session descriptions below) **

Revealing Biogeochemical Processes on Basin Scales through Ocean Transects

Primary Chair: Gregory A Cutter, Old Dominion University.
Co-chairs: Phoebe J Lam, University of California Santa Cruz; Karen L Casciotti, Stanford University; Rob Middag, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research.
Monday, February 17, 2020, 10h30-12h30, 2-4 pm and Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 8-10 am
Posters:  Monday and Tuesday, 4-6 pm


Linking the biology, geochemistry, and circulation of the Gulf of Mexico

Primary Chair: Angela N Knapp, Florida State University.
Co-chairs: Alan M Shiller, University of Southern Mississippi; Heather M Benway, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.; Juan Carlos Herguera, Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada.
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 8-10 am, 10h30-12h30 and 2-4pm
Posters:  Wednesday and Thursday, 4-6 pm


Controls on trace metal biogeochemistry and physicochemical speciation in seawater

Primary Chair: Hannah Whitby, IUEM Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer.
Co-chairs: Randelle M Bundy, University of Washington; Jessica N Fitzsimmons, Texas A & M University College Station; Andrea Koschinsky, Jacobs University Bremen.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 8-10 am and 2-4pm and Thursday, February 20, 2020, 8-10 am
Posters:  Wednesday and Thursday, 4-6 pm


Biogeochemical cycles in oxygen minimum zones: mechanisms, drivers, and change

Primary Chair: David Janssen, University of Bern.
Co-chairs: Daniele Bianchi, University of California Los Angeles; Thomas S Weber, University of Rochester.
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 10h30-12h30
Posters: Thursday, 4-6 pm


Autonomous observing systems for macronutrients and bioactive trace metals in coastal and open ocean settings: present status, challenges and emerging technologies

Primary Chair: Maxime Grand, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.
Co-chairs: Andrew R Bowie, University of Tasmania; Agathe Laes-Huon, IFREMER; Alexander Beaton, National Oceanography Center, Soton.
Posters: Thursday, February 20, 2020,4-6 pm


Towards BioGeoSCAPES: Exploring molecular drivers of ocean metabolism and biogeochemistry

Primary Chair: Benjamin S Twining, Bigelow Lab for Ocean Sciences.
Co-chairs: Erin Marie Bertrand, Dalhousie University; Martha Gledhill, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research; Naomi Marcil Levine, University of Southern California.
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 2-4 pm and Friday, February 21, 2-4 pm
Posters: Thursday, 4-6 pm


The role of micronutrient cycles in global-scale dynamics

Primary Chair: Andy Ridgwell, University of California Riverside.
Co-Chair: Alessandro Tagliabue, University of Liverpool
Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 2-4 pm
Posters:  Tuesday, 4-6 pm

Understanding Rare Earth Element (REE) distributions and isotopic ratios and the mechanisms behind their use as tracers of (paleo)oceanic processes

Primary Chair: Brian A Haley, Oregon State University
Co-chairs: Torben Stichel, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven; Johan Schijf, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Vanessa Hatje, Universidade Federal da Bahia.
Posters: Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 4-6 pm

GEOTRACES and GEOTRACES-related session descriptions:

Revealing Biogeochemical Processes on Basin Scales through Ocean Transects

Session Description:

Biogeochemical processes that affect the cycling of trace elements and their isotopes, as well as carbon, macronutrients and other constituents, are studied using two basic field strategies: sampling at a fixed station or regime to measure rates and examine specific processes, or transects on up to basin scales. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but transects can gather a broad sweep of information on a relatively short time scale that can then be used to develop a more specific process-oriented approach. Indeed, the GEOSECS program of the 1970’s used the transect approach, and currently the GO-SHIP/Repeat Hydrography and international GEOTRACES programs feature long ocean transects. This session will highlight biogeochemical processes revealed on basin transects that affect trace constituents such as trace elements and isotopes, as well as organic constituents, including carbon and macronutrients. It will also focus on sampling and data analysis methods applied to sampling across basins, and biogeochemical modeling studies that integrate data from long transects into their analyses.

Linking the biology, geochemistry, and circulation of the Gulf of Mexico

Session Description:

The Gulf of Mexico is a small, dynamic marginal sea that supports a broad range of oceanographic environments, including eutrophic coastal systems, oligotrophic open ocean waters, hydrocarbon-impacted waters and sediments, and shelf waters that are susceptible to frequent harmful algal blooms. Large atmospheric, riverine, and submarine groundwater fluxes strongly influence the biogeochemistry of near-shore and open ocean waters, yielding a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. Several recent studies have focused on characterizing the biogeochemistry of the Gulf of Mexico using a range of interdisciplinary approaches. Following on a successful 2018 OSM Town Hall led by GEOTRACES and OCB, this session will bring together interested investigators to highlight new results from the Gulf and identify potential areas of common interest and collaborative opportunities to help inform future planning in GEOTRACES, OCB, and other relevant programs. We invite contributions that characterize the variability in the biology, geochemistry, and/or physical oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico, and especially the linkages between them. Suggested contributions may include, but are not limited to descriptions of water column and benthic geochemical distributions, biogeochemical rate measurements, characterizations of molecular ecology, geochemical fluxes, and descriptions of circulation that impact Gulf biogeochemical dynamics.

Controls on trace metal biogeochemistry and physicochemical speciation in seawater

Session Description:

Trace metals function as essential micronutrients and pollutants in the ocean. Organic complexation, size partitioning, and redox changes of trace elements can be mediated by biological processes including uptake, regeneration, cell lysis, and organic ligand production. Additional processes influencing the production, degradation, and composition of organic matter also play an important role in controlling trace metal distributions, and both vary across environments (e.g. estuaries, open ocean, air-sea-sediment interfaces, hydrothermal systems). In turn, resulting changes in bioavailability and cycling of trace elements governs the function and composition of marine phytoplankton communities. Recent efforts, particularly within GEOTRACES, have expanded the database of trace metal concentrations and physicochemical speciation. This session seeks to link our understanding of biology, organic matter, and trace metal chemistry from molecular to basin-wide scales, from studies related to biologically-mediated transformations of trace elements to the wider processes controlling metal distributions, size partitioning, and fluxes. We welcome submissions highlighting how marine organisms influence the physicochemical speciation of trace elements in seawater, and how changes in trace element chemistry impact the structure and function of marine ecosystems. In addition to observational, experimental and modelling studies, we also invite contributions on the production, degradation, and characterization of metal-binding compounds and colloids.

Biogeochemical cycles in oxygen minimum zones: mechanisms, drivers, and change

Session Description:

Oxygen minimum zones in the coastal and open ocean are spatially expanding and intensifying, with model projections showing continued O2 loss in the future. These regions play a fundamental role in the biogeochemical cycles of elements such as carbon, nitrogen and sulfur as well as trace elements, host microbial communities with diverse metabolic pathways, and act as significant sources and sinks of nutrients and climatically relevant (greenhouse) gases. Yet, significant questions on the nature, drivers and variability of these processes remain. This session aims to build a comprehensive view of oxygen minimum zone biogeochemistry, by inviting researchers who apply a variety of approaches to these problems, from field and laboratory measurements, to -omics based studies, to observational synthesis and numerical models. Specifically, we invite submissions investigating: (1) the distribution, speciation and transformation of macronutrients (N, P, Si), trace metals (e.g. Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd), redox-active elements (e.g. S, Cr, Mo, I) and their isotopes; (2) microbial interactions and their impacts on biogeochemical cycles; (3) processes occurring in and around particle-associated microenvironments, and (4) the physical drivers and variability of these processes. Studies assessing regional or global impacts with large/new datasets, e.g. from international programs such as GEOTRACES, and integrative approaches combining modeling, field/laboratory measurements, and/or microbial and molecular approaches are especially encouraged.

Autonomous observing systems for macronutrients and bioactive trace metals in coastal and open ocean settings: present status, challenges and emerging technologies

Session Description:

Progress and discovery in the understanding and modeling of biological productivity and species composition in the marine environment is limited by our ability to make macronutrient and bioactive trace metal measurements at relevant spatial and temporal scales. While significant progress has been made with the advent of UV and microfluidic nitrate sensors, there are still few analytical systems for other important macronutrient species (P, Si, NH3) and virtually none for bioactive trace metals that can be deployed on the expanding array of platforms dedicated to long term unattended data gathering (i.e., moorings, gliders, profilers), particularly in oligotrophic surface ocean settings.

This session aims to: (1) highlight the latest developments in macronutrient and bioactive trace metal analytical methodologies with strong potential or demonstrated capabilities for unattended operation in coastal and open ocean settings and, (2) serve as a forum to nurture collaborations among sensor developers and oceanographers with an engineering and analytical chemistry inclination. Contributions from all stages of development are encouraged including: remote samplers, passive samplers, reagent-based microfluidic analyzers including the use of novel chemical probes, electrochemical methods, optical sensors, as well as the optimization, calibration, and field validation of emerging in situ technologies.

Towards BioGeoSCAPES: Exploring molecular drivers of ocean metabolism and biogeochemistry

Session Description:

BioGeoSCAPES has been proposed as an idea for a new international coordinated research program to integrate knowledge on organism identity and physiology within frameworks of community ecology and global ocean biogeochemistry. It is envisioned that an improved, predictive, and quantitative understanding of ocean metabolism can be developed by combining detailed information on cell status, biochemical processes, and species interactions with intercalibrated measurements of nutrient fluxes and concentrations. We invite contributions describing research that can serve as inspiration for this nascent program. Appropriate abstracts could include: studies that integrate molecular and biogeochemical measurements, including fluxes; research that places ‘omics observations (e.g., genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, metallomic, lipidomic, etc.) within quantitative numerical modeling frameworks; or studies that scale from the cellular to the ecosystem level through integrated field measurements or mechanistic models of interactions. The aim of this session is to highlight research that combines informatics, modeling, and biogeochemical measurements across scales of time and space, to test, integrate, connect, and expand upon studies of ocean ecology and metabolism.

The role of micronutrient cycles in global-scale dynamics

Session Description:

Via their fundamental control on ocean productivity and the biological carbon pump, the cycling of nutrients plays an integral role in the dynamics of atmospheric CO2 and climate. In contrast to the ‘big three’- nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon, with their well characterised modern distributions and relatively stable inventories, micronutrients, such as iron, remain relatively poorly observed and have the potential for rapid and profound changes in their inventories and biological availability in response to a host of poorly constrained processes. Micronutrients are currently the ‘wild card’ in both past and future carbon cycle and climate change, prompting the need for improved understanding of their role in Earth system dynamics. We invite a broad range of submissions to provide insights into the pieces of the puzzle, addressing boundary inputs and sinks, exchanges between dissolved and solid phases, interactions with organic compounds, and their reciprocal interactions with microbial ecosystems. Submissions may include observations, data synthesis or models, and may address ocean nutrient cycling over a range of time-scales, from past (paleo) through contemporary, and/or in response to future global change. We particularly encourage new insights into the role of feedbacks and the role micronutrient cycles play in shaping global-scale dynamics.

Understanding Rare Earth Element (REE) distributions and isotopic ratios and the mechanisms behind their use as tracers of (paleo)oceanic processes

Session Description:

Analytical advances have enabled a significant increase of environmental REE abundance and isotopic (e.g. Nd, Ce) data. These elements are increasingly recognized as promising tracers for elucidating past and present natural and man-made processes in a variety of aquatic environments. However, in spite of this growth in observations, our understanding of the mechanisms, capabilities and limitations of geochemical proxies based on REE abundances and isotopic ratios remains incomplete. We therefore invite presentations of field, laboratory, or modeling studies of REEs and related isotope systems aimed specifically at exploring mechanistic connections between their geochemical behavior and observed distributions in marine and terrestrial waters and sediments. Of particular interest are investigations linking REE abundance distributions to Nd or Ce isotopic ratios; validating the use of REEs as proxies of paleoceanographic processes; and addressing REE fractionation and source-to-sink transport on a global scale and at “geochemical hotspots” like estuaries, hydrothermal vents, nepheloid layers etc. Presentations that merely contribute TEI distribution data will be given lower priority. We especially encourage submissions from students and early-career scientists.
