Mediterranean Planning Workshop Programme
GEOTRACES Mediterranean Planning Workshop Programme
Final draft
Links on talk titles lead to available files (pdf) of the talks.
Day 1 – Monday, 4th October 2010 |
Welcome |
08:30 | Registration | |
09:00 | Welcome to Nice and the Workshop (L Coppola) | |
09:05 | Workshop logistics (L Coppola) | |
Introduction to the GEOTRACES programme and the goals of the Workshop |
09:10 | The international GEOTRACES programme (C Jeandel) | |
09:30 | Data management during GEOTRACES (MP Torre) | |
09:35 | The goals of the workshop (AK Hannides) | |
The Mediterranean Sea: a GEOTRACES cross-thematic overview (plenary session – keynote speeches) Chair: AK Hannides |
09:40 | Mediterranean hydrography: circulation and its variability, strait exchange, and water formation (M Gacic, G Civitarese, and GE Borzelli) | |
10:00 | Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Contributions to GEOTRACES (J Scholten, J Garcia-Orellana, and P Masqué) | |
10:20 | How TEI can help us to better constrain some processes in the Mediterranean Sea (C Jeandel, G Sarthou, K Tachikawa, E Sternberg, M Roy-Barman, P van Beek, F Lacan, L Coppola) | |
10:40 |
Coffee break |
11:10 | Trace metal cycling in a miniature ocean – changes since EROS 2000? (L-E Heimbürger, C Migon, D Cossa, N Mihalopoulos, J Sonke, C Jeandel, and B Thibodeau) | |
11:30 | Proxies calibration issues in the Mediterranean (M-A Sicre) | |
11:50 | Introduction to the SOLAS programme and SOLAS-GEOTRACES cooperation in the Mediterranean (D Wallace) | |
12:10 | Saharan dust deposition in the Mediterranean Sea and its impact on biogeochemical cycles (C Guieu) | |
12:30 |
Lunch break |
14:00 | Biogeochemistry in the Mediterranean: from the oligotrophic to the ultraoligotrophic (K Leblanc) | |
14:20 | Western and Eastern Mediterranean: similarities and contrasts (M Krom) | |
14:40 | Interaction between GEOTRACES and GO-SHIP in the Mediterranean Sea: report on a GO-SHIP Med-section in 2011 (T Tanhua) | |
15:00 | An introduction to the European project on Mediterranean Acidification in a changing climate (MedSeA) (P Ziveri, the MedSeA consortium) | |
Mediterranean GEOTRACES: key parameters, tracers, processes, and sites (plenary session – advocacy talks) Chair: AK Hannides |
15:20 | Tracers for redox environments: GEOTRACES in the Black Sea (J Murray) | |
15:35 | GEOTRACES deep section from Mediterranean Outflow in East Atlantic across the Mediterranean onboard RV PELAGIA in 2013 or 2014 (H de Baar, M Rijkenberg, L Gerringa, K Timmermans, V Schoemann, P Laan, J de Jong) | |
15:50 |
Coffee break – GROUP PHOTO |
16:30 | The existing observatories platforms useful for GEOTRACES in the Mediterranean Sea (L Coppola, P Raimbault, R Lampitt, K Larkin, V Cardin, G Petihakis) | |
16:45 | Formation of basin-wide bottom nepheloid layers in the western Mediterranean after major dense shelf water cascading events (J Martin, P Puig, X Durrieu de Madron, K Schroeder, J Salat, JL López-Jurado, GP Gasparini, A Palanques, M Emelianov, AP Karageorgis, A Theocharis) | |
17:00 | Sampling and analysis for atmospheric deposition: results from the US GEOTRACES Intercalibration Experiments (W Landing, A Milne, P Morton) | |
17:15 | Particle cycling/circulation/margin interactions in the distribution of particle-reactive tracers (M Roy-Barman) | |
17:30 |
Day 1 General discussion and conclusions (plenary session) Chair: C Jeandel |
18:30 |
End of Day 1 |
18:45 |
Cocktail ice-breaker |
Day 2 – Tuesday, 5th October 2010 |
09:00 |
Parallel break-out sessions A and B: topics and tasks (plenary discussion) |
09:15 |
Parallel break-out sessions A |
I. TEI fluxes and processes at ocean interfacesChair: C Jeandel Characterization of surface active substances in the natural sea surface microlayers of the coastal Middle Radium isotopes, seawater circulation and water ages in the Mediterranean coast of Northern Israel (Y Weinstein, Y Shalem, Y Yechieli, B Burnett, P Swarzenski, B Herut) Early diagenesis and benthic fluxes in Adriatic and Ionian Sea (F Spagnoli, G Batholini, P Girdano) |
II. TEI as proxies for past change
10:30 |
Coffee break |
11:15 | Parallel break-out sessions A (continued): report-writing | |
11:45 |
Parallel break-out sessions B |
III. TEI and particle cycles
IV. TEI and models
13:00 |
Lunch break |
14:30 | Parallel break-out sessions B (continued): report–writing | |
Reports of break-out sessions A and B and discussion (plenary session) |
15:00 | I. TEI fluxes and processes at ocean interfaces | |
15:20 | II. TEI as proxies for past change | |
15:40 | III. TEI and particle cycles | |
16:00 | IV. TEI and models | |
16:20 |
Coffee break |
The ideal Mediterranean GEOTRACES section (plenary session)
17:00 | Introduction | |
17:10 | Section proposals – logistics presentations – discussion | |
Optimization of relevant data collection to understand trace element and isotope cycling/distribution in the Mediterranean Sea (M Rijkenberg, HJW de Baar) | ||
18:00 |
End of Day 2 |
Day 3 – Wednesday, 6th October 2010 |
09:00 |
Parallel break-out sessions C: topics and tasks (plenary discussion) |
09:10 |
Parallel break-out sessions C |
V. Mediterranean GEOTRACES sectionChair: P Masqué Revisiting the mercury cycle in the Mediterranean waters – coupling speciation and stable isotopic composition approaches (D Cossa, L-E Heimbürger, JE Sonke, C Lamborg, N Pirrone) TEI’s in the Aegean Sea: Baseline Information (C Zeri, H Kaberi) Levantine GEOTRACES sections (AK Hannides) |
VI. Western and Eastern Mediterranean process study/studies
Chair: C Guieu
11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:30 | Parallel break-out sessions C (continued) | |
12:30 |
Lunch break |
14:00 | Parallel break-out sessions C (continued): report-writing | |
Reports of break-out sessions C and discussion (plenary session) |
14:30 | V. Mediterranean GEOTRACES section | |
15:30 | VI. Western and Eastern Mediterranean process study/studies | |
16:30 |
Coffee break |
Future steps (plenary discussion) |
17:00 | GEOTRACES Workshop Report & Mediterranean implementation plan | |
17:10 | Funding efforts | |
17:40 | Next meetings | |
18:30 |
End of workshop |