An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes


Building Capacity in Physical Chemistry Methods, Measurements and Modelling for Chemical Oceanography

Express your interest in a potential workshop or provide feedback.

3 weeks to the IDP2025 guaranteed inclusion DEADLINE!  

Deadline for guaranteed inclusion is 15 May 2024!

GEOTRACES highligted in the ICS report on science organizations in the digital era

GEOTRACES is provided as an example on the use of digital data platforms.

Less than 2 months to the IDP2025 guaranteed inclusion DEADLINE!  

Deadline for guaranteed inclusion is 15 May 2024!

5-minute survey on the GEOTRACES IDP2021

Your contribution will help us to improve the data product for the next release!

Australian MISO GS05 cruise in the Southern Ocean successfully completed

Congratulations to the Australian-GEOTRACES team!

Science Highlights

The tumultuous life of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over 5,3 million years, including focus on the glacial-interglacial forcing!

To reconstruct the strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the authors used sediment records from the pelagic central and remote South Pacific.

North-South radium-228 section in the Pacific Ocean

Moore and colleagues present results from radium-228 along the U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15).

Strong lithogenic imprints in the Indian Ocean waters

Ueki and co-authors reported the first sectional distributions of zirconium, hafnium and niobium along a north-south track in the Indian Ocean.
