IDP2017 Important information – Timeline update and priority for data processing
Dear GEOTRACES Community,
Thank you to everyone who submitted data to the Standards & Intercalibration (S&I) Committee and the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre (GDAC) or your national data centre (for US, Netherlands and France) by the April 1st 2016 deadline. The standard of the reports submitted was excellent and we thank you for your effort in putting these together.
We actively encourage you to submit data and an intercalibration report to the S&I committee prior to the final deadline for IDP2017 on 1st of December 2016. The S&I committee will hold a virtual meeting ~ every 2 months to evaluate data to maximise the efficiency of the data approval processes. This will prevent a large backlog of data waiting to be approved and the possibility that data may not be approved in time for IDP2017.
Please submit your S&I report or any questions regarding intercalibration to
The priority for data processing at GDAC for IDP2017 is as follows:
a) GEOTRACES sections
b) GEOTRACES Process studies
c) GEOTRACES Compliant data sets
Within each type of GEOTRACES cruise, key TEIs will have priority over other parameters.
We note that within the overall priority for data processing, datasets will be processed in the order they arrive at GDAC so we encourage early submission to ensure inclusion in IDP2017.
Please continue to refer to the flow chart: “How to ensure that your data are in IDP2017”, which can be found here:
Best regards,
Andrew Bowie and Alessandro Tagliabue co-chairs of the Data Management Committee
Walter Geibert and Maeve Lohan co-chairs of the Standard & Intercalibration Committee