GEOTRACES French SWINGS GS02 cruise – Press Review
You can review media coverage of GEOTRACES SWINGS GS02 cruise here.
EXPLOREUR journal (Université de Toulouse): Expedition SWINGS. This journal has followed the SWINGS expedition publishing one article per week:
News, University of Liverpool, UK (25 February 2021): Studying iron cycling in the Southern Ocean
Download the pdf version of this article.
Embassy of France in Australia (24 February 2021): Let’s swing together on the Southern Ocean!
Download the pdf version of this article.
CNRS, News: Exploring the world’s largest ocean current (26 January 2021): Exploring the world’s largest ocean current
Download the pdf version of this article.
News, Florida International University (21 April 2021: 52 days at sea — with someone else’s research
Challenger Society’s Blog: Searching for Humic Substances on SWINGS GS02
Download the pdf version of this article.
In other languages:
Journal articles
(French) EXPLOREUR journal (Université de Toulouse): Expedition SWINGS. This journal has followed the SWINGS expedition publishing one article per week:
The French CNRS have broadcasted these articles as well.
(French) Ouest France Journal (1st January 2021): PORTRAIT. Hélène Planquette recherche les poussières de fer dans l’océan
(French) France Bleu (5th January 2021): Des Bretons se préparent à embarquer sur le Marion-Dufresne II
(French) CNRS INSU News (13 January 2021): En route pour l’Océan austral avec la campagne SWINGS. Download the pdf version of this article.
(French) Ouest France Journal (18th January 2021): Deux mois sur le « Marion Dufresne » pour tenter de percer les secrets de l’océan
(French) Ouest France Journal (19th January 2021): Deux cheffes de mission océanographique comblées
(French) La Dépêche Journal (19th January 2021): Depuis Toulouse, cette chercheuse participe à l’expédition océanographique SWINGS. Download the pdf version of this article.
(French) Ouest France Journal (29th January 2021): « Embrassez qui vous voudrez » dans l’océan Austral
(French) Ouest France Journal (2nd February 2021): La Brestoise Hélène Planquette raconte son voyage scientifique dans les mers australes.
(French) La Dépéche Journal (7th March 2021): Toulouse. Science : l’incroyable odyssée d’un équipage toulousain dans les mers australes
(French) France Info, Occitanie (9th March 2021): Retour des chercheurs toulousains partis 8 semaines en mer australe étudier comment l’océan régule le climat Download the pdf version of this article.
(French) France 3 – Occitanie (10th March 2021): Retour des chercheurs toulousains partis 8 semaines en mer australe étudier comment l’océan régule le climat. Download the pdf version of this article.
(French) Ouest France Journal (13 April 2021): La mer notre avenir, interview to Nolwenn Lemaitre (journal supplement: La génération sur la pont). Download the pdf version of this supplement.
(French) Le Monde (27 April 2021): De Jean-Louis Etienne à Swings : la quête des mystères de l’océan Austral, crucial dans la régulation du climat
(French) Les étoiles brillent pour tous, website (27 Mai 2021): Les détenus de Seysses à bord du Marion Dufresne par temps de COVID
(French) CNRS hebdo (8 June 2021): Comment le fer influence la pompe à carbone de l’océan. Download the pdf version of this article.
(French) Les chemins Buissonniers (Mai 2022): Le navire Marion Dufresne de l’expédition SWINGS
Radio podcasts or TV videos in French:
(French) Interview on France Inter Radio show “Le 7/9” (12 January 2021), listen the podcast here:
(French) Interview to Hélène Planquette on RCF Radio show “La matinale” (20 January 2021), listen the podcast here:
(French) Interview to Catherine Jeandel on France 3 – Occitanie TV (16 March 2021) starting at minute 17’44”:
(French) Interview to Hélène Planquette on RCF Radio show “La matinale” (17 March 2021), listen the podcast here:
(French) Interview to Catherine Jeandel and Hélène Planquette on France Inter Radio show “La Terre au Carré” (29 March 2021), listen the podcast here:
(French) Interview to Catherine Jeandel and Hélène Planquette for the podcast “Plongeon, Episode 10: Plongeon vers les îles Kerguelen – By Ausha”, listen the podcast here:
In addition, there have been several other outreach activities as:
-(English and French) A SWINGS cruise blog were maintained every day:
-(English and French) Nolwenn Lemaitre was sending a cruise diary every week to the students of the Morlaix High School and the Locquirec school in France. The diary is available here:
– (French) A workshop devoted the cruise SWINGS was organised at the “Sea and Journalism” summer school (September 2022):
-(French) Conference for the general public “Face au défi climatique, ce que nous dit l’océan” by Hélène Planquette (Auxerre, France, 9 May 2022)
-Several presentations to secondary schools were done in Brest and Auxerre (France).
If you are aware of any other article, please send it to the GEOTRACES IPO!