GEOTRACES French SWINGS GS02 cruise – Press Review

You can review media coverage of GEOTRACES SWINGS GS02  cruise here.

EXPLOREUR journal (Université de Toulouse): Expedition SWINGS. This journal has followed the SWINGS expedition publishing one article per week:

News, University of Liverpool, UK (25 February 2021): Studying iron cycling in the Southern Ocean
Download the pdf version of this article.

Embassy of France in Australia (24 February 2021): Let’s swing together on the Southern Ocean!
Download the pdf version of this article.

CNRS, News: Exploring the world’s largest ocean current (26 January 2021): Exploring the world’s largest ocean current
Download the pdf version of this article.

News, Florida International University (21 April 2021: 52 days at sea — with someone else’s research

Challenger Society’s Blog: Searching for Humic Substances on SWINGS GS02
Download the pdf version of this article.

In other languages:

Journal articles

(French) EXPLOREUR journal (Université de Toulouse): Expedition SWINGS. This journal has followed the SWINGS expedition publishing one article per week:

The French CNRS have broadcasted these articles as well.

(French) Ouest France Journal (1st January 2021): PORTRAIT. Hélène Planquette recherche les poussières de fer dans l’océan

(French) France Bleu (5th January 2021): Des Bretons se préparent à embarquer sur le Marion-Dufresne II

(French) CNRS INSU News (13 January 2021): En route pour l’Océan austral avec la campagne SWINGS. Download the pdf version of this article.

(French) Ouest France Journal (18th January 2021): Deux mois sur le « Marion Dufresne » pour tenter de percer les secrets de l’océan

(French) Ouest France Journal (19th January 2021): Deux cheffes de mission océanographique comblées

(French) La Dépêche Journal (19th January 2021): Depuis Toulouse, cette chercheuse participe à l’expédition océanographique SWINGS. Download the pdf version of this article.

(French) Ouest France Journal (29th January 2021): « Embrassez qui vous voudrez » dans l’océan Austral

(French) Ouest France Journal (2nd February 2021): La Brestoise Hélène Planquette raconte son voyage scientifique dans les mers australes.

(French) La Dépéche Journal (7th March 2021): Toulouse. Science : l’incroyable odyssée d’un équipage toulousain dans les mers australes

(French) France Info, Occitanie (9th March 2021): Retour des chercheurs toulousains partis 8 semaines en mer australe étudier comment l’océan régule le climat Download the pdf version of this article.

(French) France 3 – Occitanie (10th March 2021): Retour des chercheurs toulousains partis 8 semaines en mer australe étudier comment l’océan régule le climat. Download the pdf version of this article.

(French) Ouest France Journal (13 April 2021): La mer notre avenir, interview to Nolwenn Lemaitre (journal supplement: La génération sur la pont). Download the pdf version of this supplement.

(French) Le Monde (27 April 2021): De Jean-Louis Etienne à Swings : la quête des mystères de l’océan Austral, crucial dans la régulation du climat

(French) Les étoiles brillent pour tous, website (27 Mai 2021): Les détenus de Seysses à bord du Marion Dufresne par temps de COVID

(French) CNRS hebdo (8 June 2021): Comment le fer influence la pompe à carbone de l’océan. Download the pdf version of this article.

(French) Les chemins Buissonniers (Mai 2022): Le navire Marion Dufresne de l’expédition SWINGS

Radio podcasts or TV videos in French:

(French) Interview on France Inter Radio show “Le 7/9” (12 January 2021), listen the podcast here:

(French) Interview to Hélène Planquette on RCF Radio show “La matinale” (20 January 2021), listen the podcast here:

(French) Interview to Catherine Jeandel on France 3 – Occitanie TV (16 March 2021) starting at minute 17’44”:

(French) Interview to Hélène Planquette on RCF Radio show “La matinale” (17 March 2021), listen the podcast here:

(French) Interview to Catherine Jeandel and Hélène Planquette on France Inter Radio show “La Terre au Carré” (29 March 2021), listen the podcast here:

(French) Interview to Catherine Jeandel and Hélène Planquette for the podcast “Plongeon, Episode 10: Plongeon vers les îles Kerguelen – By Ausha”, listen the podcast here:

In addition, there have been several other outreach activities as:

-(English and French) A SWINGS cruise blog were maintained every day:
-(English and French) Nolwenn Lemaitre was sending a cruise diary every week to the students of the Morlaix High School and the Locquirec school in France. The diary is available here:
– (French) A workshop devoted the cruise SWINGS was organised at the “Sea and Journalism” summer school (September 2022):
-(French) Conference for the general public “Face au défi climatique, ce que nous dit l’océan” by Hélène Planquette (Auxerre, France, 9 May 2022)
-Several presentations to secondary schools were done in Brest and Auxerre (France).

If you are aware of any other article, please send it to the GEOTRACES IPO!

RV Marion Dufresne leaving port. @Sybille D’Orgeval
