GEOTRACES findings on the cover of Nature

15 Nature coverThe work of Joseph Resing et al. (2015, see reference below) has been featured on the cover of Nature (Volume 523 Number 7559, Thursday 9 July 2015).

The cover shows an eGEOTRACES 3D scene view of dissolved iron across the South Pacific Ocean. Please click here to read the science highlight about this paper.


Reference: Resing, J., Sedwick, P. N., German, C. R., Jenkins, W. J., Moffett, J. W., Sohst, B. M., & Tagliabue, A. (2015). Basin-scale transport of hydrothermal dissolved metals across the South Pacific Ocean. Nature, 523(7559), 200–203. doi:10.1038/nature14577.

Please click here to read the University of Washington’s Press release.
