Factsheet #6: Dissolved Cobalt

Find below a summary of main GEOTRACES findings and products on cobalt research:


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3D scenes showing the distribution of dissolved iron in the Atlantic and the Pacific. In warm colours (red, orange, etc.) you can view high concentrations of dissolved cobalt.


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Discoveries include:

Below you can find a list of science highlights of main GEOTRACES discoveries on cobalt research:

Science Highlights

Aluminium, manganese, iron, cobalt, and lead display contrasting fate along north–south and east–west sections in the North Pacific Ocean

Chan et co-authors provide a comprehensive view of trace metal distribution in the subarctic Pacific Ocean.

Science Highlights

A detailed study of the land-ocean input of dissolved iron, manganese and cobalt in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean

Chen and co-authors propose a detailed study of the spatial and seasonal distributions of dissolved iron, manganese and cobalt in the Northeast Atlantic continental margin.

Science Highlights

Different fates of four poorly soluble trace elements in the Pacific Ocean

Zheng and co-authors present the full-depth distributions of aluminum, lead, manganese and copper in the western South Pacific.

Science Highlights

Distributions, boundary inputs, and scavenging processes of trace metals in the East Sea (Japan Sea)

Seo and his colleagues show pronounced atmospheric and shelf inputs of trace elements in the Japan Sea.

Science Highlights

Icebergs as sources of trace metals to the ocean: which impact?

Earth’s Ice Sheets are known to release significant quantities of lithogenic particles into the ocean every year, but how does this material affect trace metal availability in the ocean?

Science Highlights

Spatial and temporal variability of bioactive trace metals, speciation and organic metal-binding ligands in the eastern Gulf of Mexico

Mellett and Buck present the concentrations of bioactive trace metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, and Pb), Fe-and Cu-binding organic ligands, and electroactive Fe-binding humic substances in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

List of publications

Scroll down to view the list of GEOTRACES publications on dissolved cobalt:
