EGU General Assembly 2025
April 27 – May 2
Vienna, Austria & Online
The EGU General Assembly 2025 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
Deadline to submit an abstract is 15 Jan 2025, 13:00 CET.
GEOTRACES relevant session:
Convener: Aridane González González | Co-conveners: David González-Santana, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Melchor Gonzalez-Davila
Coastal oceans are dynamic interfaces between land and sea, playing a critical role in global biogeochemical cycles with a high impact on socio-economic activities and social developments. The dynamic and physical processes as well as the human activities that take place in coastal areas make them natural laboratories to improve our knowledge about several biogeochemical interactions. In addition, these regions are affected by both natural and anthropogenic factors such as coastal acidification, organic matter, nutrients, and pollution, among others. All these factors have impacts on the natural cycles and the magnitude of these impacts should be studied and understood in order to propose solutions to the decision makers that could help to know, understand, take decisions, and protect or regulate the coastal environments.
This session aims to bring together researchers from diverse fields to discuss the latest findings on the biogeochemical processes occurring in coastal oceans, improve our knowledge, identify impacts, and propose solutions. We welcome research studies that focus on both natural and anthropogenic processes that are affecting the trace metal chemistry, CO2 system, ocean acidification, nutrient cycle, organic matter, CO2 sequestration and their impacts on the chemical processes, etc.