Criteria for GEOTRACES Process Studies
Please click here to download the document. A flowchart describing the endorsement process is available here (see also image below).
NOTE ON MAJOR REVISIONS DONE: The criteria were revised in July 2015 to include under criteria 6 a) the requirement of submitting the completed pre-cruise metadata form. In April 2017 the criteria were revised again. Main changes included:
- Change the second introductory paragraph to relax the requirement that project leaders must request approval in advance of submitting the proposal to a funding agency but clarifying that in any case the process study application must occur prior to the fieldwork taking place.
- Clarification that “metadata for all datasets, including ancillary data” must be submitted along with the data.
- Inclusion of the process study request form.
- Clarification on what “mention GEOTRACES in the proposal” meant in former criteria number 1 which was also split into two criteria.
In June 2018, the following changes were also made:
- Clarification of the process to request GEOTRACES process study status
- Removal of the requirement of submitting the pre-cruise metadata form.
In March 2020, the following exception was added:
- An exception can be made for time series studies for which an application can also be submitted even if a few cruises have already taken place, but it is strongly encouraged to apply as early as feasible.
**The flowchart below is an image. You can download it as a PDF file to have the hyperlinks enabled**