
LESS than 1 month to FINAL IDP2025 DEADLINE!  

Do not wait until the last minute!

The third edition of the Treatise on Geochemistry is now available!

Breaking New in the marine geochemical world!

The German GEOTRACES GI07 cruise is sampling in the South Indian Ocean

The cruise departed from Durban (South Africa) on 31st October 2024 and will return port on 22nd December 2024 in Fremantle (Australia).

Nominations to the Ocean Decade’s Gender Expert Working Group

Deadline for applications is 10 December 2024.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution archived 50 liter open ocean water samples available

If you have an interest in analysing any of these samples, they can be sent to you.

Update! The version 4.0 of the Cookbook is now available!

Thank you very much to the Standards and Intercalibration Committee members and all the other contributors!

German GEOTRACES section cruise GN06 in the Arctic Ocean successfully completed

Congratulations to all cruise participants!


Your input will help us advocate for the continued availability of this product and explore potential alternatives.

2023-2024 GEOTRACES National Reports

The 2023-2024 individual reports from all countries participating in GEOTRACES are now available on the GEOTRACES webpage.
