Successful workshop to plan new particle intercalibration effort for GEOTRACES held in Hawaii
44 groups from 18 countries responded to the solicitation of interest
On March 24-25, 2013, we held a small workshop at the University of Hawaii with generous support from SCOR to plan the next round of particle intercalibration for GEOTRACES. We had 9 participants (in-person and remote) representing countries from 4 continents (Australia, Taiwan, US, UK), all of whom are actively involved in measuring particle composition. We successfully accomplished our goals, which were to review and learn from the particle intercalibration exercises to date, and to plan the details of the next round. As a result of this workshop, we decided to conduct three particle intercalibration activities –1) total digests of trace elements, 2) major particle composition and mass, and 3) weak acid leaches for trace elements–and sent out a solicitation of interest to the International GEOTRACES mailing list. 44 groups from 18 countries have responded to our solicitations of interest. We hope to distribute subsamples and instructions to participants in (boreal) summer 2013.
Submitted by Phoebe Lam (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, US).