Webcast available! Joint OCB/GEOTRACES Workshop
The synthesis workshop on “Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Elements in the Ocean,” sponsored jointly by GEOTRACES and the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program, will be held 1 – 4 August 2016, at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. You can follow the workshop on Twitter #TraceElements2016 (@geotraces, @US_OCB).
The plenary sessions will be webcast, including the plenary talks on 1 and 2 August as well as the plenary working group reports and discussion. Access to the webcast can be gained through the workshop website or direct link to the webcast. Plenary talks will follow the agenda posted on the website. Working group reports may deviate from the agenda as needed to accommodate progress.
Those interested in the biogeochemical cycling of trace elements and their isotopes are encouraged to view the presentations and discussion.