Virtual Special Issue “Cycles of trace elements and isotopes in the ocean – GEOTRACES and beyond”
The Virtual Special Issue (VSI) entitled “Cycles of trace elements and isotopes in the ocean – GEOTRACES and beyond” is available in Chemical Geology.

Cycles of trace elements and isotopes in the ocean – GEOTRACES and beyond…
Chemical Geology
Edited by Tim M. Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, Aridane G. González.
This Special Issue is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Thomas M Church.
In addition to hosting the overview of the GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017, this special issue includes 30 other research articles that contribute to the International GEOTRACES mission in four areas of discovery: developments in marine transition metal isotope analysis; the role of the Southern Ocean in driving global trace element cycling; advances in understanding of the utility of rare-earth elements and natural and anthropogenic radionuclides as tracers of ocean processes; and using aerosols, particles, and elemental speciation to interrogate processes driving trace element cycles. The issue is closed by an editorial review highlighting the contents of the special issue and the last ten years of the GEOTRACES program.
It includes the following 32 papers:
- The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017
20 August 2018 - Concentrations, provenance and flux of aerosol trace elements during US GEOTRACES Western Arctic cruise GN01
Chris M. Marsay, David Kadko, William M. Landing, Peter L. Morton, … Clifton S. Buck
December 2018 - Trace element composition of suspended particulate matter along three meridional CLIVAR sections in the Indian and Southern Oceans: Impact of scavenging on Al distributions
Pamela M. Barrett, Joseph A. Resing, Maxime M. Grand, Christopher I. Measures, William M. Landing
10 December 2018 - Physical and biogeochemical controls on the distribution of dissolved cadmium and its isotopes in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
M. Sieber, T.M. Conway, G.F. de Souza, H. Obata, … D. Vance
20 April 2019 - Paired dissolved and particulate phase Cu isotope distributions in the South Atlantic
Susan H. Little, Corey Archer, Angela Milne, Christian Schlosser, … Derek Vance
10 December 2018 - Determination of accurate and precise chromium isotope ratios in seawater samples by MC-ICP-MS illustrated by analysis of SAFe Station in the North Pacific Ocean
Simone B. Moos, Edward A. Boyle
20 April 2019 - Determination of the copper isotope composition of seawater revisited: A case study from the Mediterranean Sea
Isabelle Baconnais, Olivier Rouxel, Gabriel Dulaquais, Marie Boye
20 April 2019 - Zinc and nickel isotopes in seawater from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean: The impact of natural iron fertilization versus Southern Ocean hydrography and biogeochemistry
R.-M. Wang, C. Archer, A.R. Bowie, D. Vance
20 April 2019 - Barite formation in the ocean: Origin of amorphous and crystalline precipitates
F. Martinez-Ruiz, A. Paytan, M.T. Gonzalez-Muñoz, F. Jroundi, … M. Kastner
20 April 2019 - Barium during the GEOTRACES GA-04S MedSeA cruise: The Mediterranean Sea Ba budget revisited
Matthieu Roy-Barman, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Martin Levier, Louise Bordier, … Maxi Castrillejo
20 April 2019 - Water mass transformation in the Barents Sea inferred from radiogenic neodymium isotopes, rare earth elements and stable oxygen isotopes
Georgi Laukert, Mikhail Makhotin, Mariia V. Petrova, Martin Frank, … Heidemarie Kassens
20 April 2019 - Contribution of resuspended sedimentary particles to dissolved iron and manganese in the ocean: An experimental study
M. Cheize, H.F. Planquette, J.N. Fitzsimmons, E. Pelleter, … N. Gayet
20 April 2019 - Iron complexation by phenolic ligands in seawater
Aridane G. González, M. Isabel Cadena-Aizaga, Geraldine Sarthou, Melchor González-Dávila, J.M. Santana-Casiano
20 April 2019 - Limited impact of eolian and riverine sources on the biogeochemical cycling of Cd in the tropical Atlantic
Ruifang C. Xie, Stephen J.G. Galer, Wafa Abouchami, Martin Frank
20 April 2019 - Limited influence of basalt weathering inputs on the seawater neodymium isotope composition of the northern Iceland Basin
R. Morrison, A. Waldner, E.C. Hathorne, P. Rahlf, … M. Frank
20 April 2019 - Winter and summer distributions of Copper, Zinc and Nickel along the International GEOTRACES Section GIPY05: Insights into deep winter mixing
R. Cloete, J.C. Loock, T. Mtshali, S. Fietz, A.N. Roychoudhury
20 April 2019 - The shelf-to-basin iron shuttle in the Black Sea revisited
W.K. Lenstra, M. Hermans, M.J.M. Séguret, R. Witbaard, … C.P. Slomp
20 April 2019 - The elemental composition of the deep particle flux in the Sargasso Sea
M.H. Conte, A.M. Carter, D.A. Koweek, S. Huang, J.C. Weber
20 April 2019 - The distribution of neodymium isotopes and concentrations in the eastern tropical North Atlantic
Moritz Zieringer, Martin Frank, Roland Stumpf, Ed C. Hathorne
20 April 2019 - Plutonium in the western North Pacific: Transport along the Kuroshio and implication for the impact of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Junwen Wu, Minhan Dai, Yi Xu, Jian Zheng
20 April 2019 - Organic matter effect on Fe(II) oxidation kinetics in the Labrador Sea
Carolina Santana-González, Melchor González-Dávila, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Sergey Gladyshev, Alexey Sokov
20 April 2019 - Soluble iron conservation and colloidal iron dynamics in a hydrothermal plume
A.J.M. Lough, W.B. Homoky, D.P. Connelly, S.A. Comer-Warner, … R.A. Mills
20 April 2019 - Trace element concentrations, elemental ratios, and enrichment factors observed in aerosol samples collected during the US GEOTRACES eastern Pacific Ocean transect (GP16)
Clifton S. Buck, Ana Aguilar-Islas, Christopher Marsay, David Kadko, William M. Landing
20 April 2019 - New insights on the dissolved platinum behavior in the Atlantic Ocean
Daniel E. López-Sánchez, Antonio Cobelo-García, Micha J.A. Rijkenberg, Loes J.A. Gerringa, Hein J.W. de Baar
20 April 2019 - Neodymium concentration and isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
Hiroshi Amakawa, Tsai-Luen Yu, Hirofumi Tazoe, Hajime Obata, … Katsuhiko Suzuki
20 April 2019 - Evaluation of atmospheric dry deposition as a source of nutrients and trace metals to Lake Tahoe
Chia-Te Chien, Brant Allen, Natasha T. Dimova, Juan Yang, … Adina Paytan
20 April 2019 - Zn isotope fractionation during uptake into marine phytoplankton: Implications for oceanic zinc isotopes
Michael Köbberich, Derek Vance
30 September 2019 - Distribution of 236U in the U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect and its use as a water mass tracer
M. Villa-Alfageme, E. Chamizo, T.C. Kenna, M. López-Lora, … M. Christl
5 July 2019 - Dissolved rare earth elements distribution in the Solomon Sea
V.Q. Pham, M. Grenier, S. Cravatte, S. Michael, … C. Jeandel
5 October 2019 - Distribution of iron in the Western Indian Ocean and the Eastern tropical South pacific: An inter-basin comparison
James W. Moffett, Christopher R. German
20 January 2020 - Near-field hydrothermal plume dynamics at Brothers Volcano (Kermadec Arc): A short-lived radium isotope study
René Neuholz, Bernhard Schnetger, Charlotte Kleint, Andrea Koschinsky, … Hans-Jürgen Brumsack
5 February 2020 - A decade of progress in understanding cycles of trace elements and their isotopes in the oceans
T.M. Conway, T.J. Horner, Y. Plancherel, A.G. González
5 October 2021