US GEOTRACES Arctic implementation workshop
US GEOTRACES will hold a workshop to define the scientific objectives of a cruise in the western Arctic Ocean, tentatively planned for late summer 2015. Investigators interested in conducting research as part of this cruise are invited to attend the workshop, which will take place 13-15 June 2012 at the National Science Foundation. No prior involvement in GEOTRACES is necessary to participate in this workshop.
A framework for planning this cruise is provided in two reports from previous Arctic GEOTRACES planning workshops, posted online at: (
The purpose of this workshop is to refine the research objectives for the cruise and to devise a strategy to meet those objectives. Members of the US GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) will participate in the workshop. They will synthesize results from the deliberations and prepare a set of priorities to guide the submission (tentatively 15 February 2014) and evaluation of proposals. The overriding criterion for establishing priorities is the degree to which an activity will enable US scientists to achieve the goals of GEOTRACES as defined in the Science Plan.
The Science Plan defines a number of key TEIs that must be measured on every section. It also identifies a number of complementary parameters that would be desirable. These include other TEIs that are of interest in their own right, for example in illuminating specific processes of interest, or parameters that may be critical for interpreting the distributions of key TEIs (e.g., circulation tracers). The SSC will consider these factors when establishing priorities for the section.
In preparation for the workshop, the SSC requests that those interested in participating submit a brief (one page maximum) statement of interest by 6 April 2012. Statements should (a) define the nature of the work to be done on the cruise, and (b) justify the work in terms of GEOTRACES objectives. Statements can be emailed (preferably as Word documents) to US GEOTRACES Projet Office. Statements will be posted on the US GEOTRACES web site unless the author requests that they be held in confidence.
Although no prior involvement in GEOTRACES is necessary to participate in the Arctic section, new investigators who have not participated in the GEOTRACES intercalibration exercise are obliged to follow the GEOTRACES policy for new investigators. This involves analysis of GEOTRACES reference standards, where applicable, or collection of duplicate samples for analysis by labs that have already demonstrated acceptable performance in the GEOTRACES intercalibration. This policy will be explained at the workshop.
Workshop travel expenses will be subsidized by the US GEOTRACES project office. The project office budget will cover full travel expenses for approximately 45 participants. However, the SSC prefers to limit the level of travel reimbursement rather than limit the number of participants. Therefore, the level of reimbursement may have to be limited if the number of participants exceeds approximately 45.
Questions about Arctic planning can be directed to David Kadko.
Questions about US GEOTRACES travel can be directed to the US GEOTRACES Project Office.