UK GEOTRACES South Atlantic GA10 Cruise

The RRS James Cook leaves Port Elizabeth in South Africa on 24th December to return to (and we hope complete!) the GA10 section across the South Atlantic (see figure below). The first third of this section was occupied in late 2010, but key scientific targets were left unstudied. The new cruise aims to provide a complete assessment of the budget for micronutrients in the South Atlantic, with important goals being the assessment of Mid-Atlantic-Ridge fluxes, and of inputs and mixing in the deep Argentine Basin. Scientists from eleven institutes will be on board, representing four countries, and are due to arrive in Montevideo on 27th January. The major funder is the UK funding agency NERC under the auspices of the UK-GEOTRACES Consortium.

Tentative_g10Figure: Tentative Cruise Track.

PI: Gideon Henderson
