Successful Joint GEOTRACES/PAGES Synthesis Workshop: Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography
60 researchers from the PAGES and GEOTRACES communities participated to an intensive 2.5 day workshop from the 3rd to the 5th of December in Aix en Provence, France. The aim of the workshop was to conduct open discussions on the applicability and scientific gaps regarding the use of some proxies exploited to infer past circulation, surface productivity and particle fluxes. Indeed, thanks to the GEOTRACES programme, these tracers are more and more documented in the modern ocean, raising important caveats in the understanding of their present behavior and distributions. Fruitful confrontations and discussions conducted the 2 communities to identify common exciting perspectives and workshop products…more details soon!
Joint GEOTRACES PAGES Workshop participants. Click here to download the image in high resolution.
For further information:
- Workshop web site:
- You can also read a blog post about this workshop prepared by Susan Little who participated in the workshop: